Master of Computer Application

Master of Computer Application

2 years

Tribhuvan University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has launched Master of Computer Application (MCA) program in 2024 AD. Initially, the program will be offered through a constitutent campus; Patan Multiple Campus and the seat capacity is 30 students only. 

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Colleges offering MCA under Tribhuvan University

In 2024 AD, Tribhuvan University's Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences introduced the Master of Computer Applications (MCA) program. This innovative program is initially available through the Patan Multiple Campus, one of the university's esteemed constituent campuses. With a limited seat capacity of only 30 students, the program ensures a focused and intensive learning environment.

The MCA program encompasses a comprehensive 63-credit curriculum designed to balance both practical and theoretical aspects of computer applications. Over the span of two years, students will engage in an in-depth study divided into four semesters. Each semester consists of 16 weeks dedicated to teaching and learning activities, not including examination periods and other academic events. The class load and specific course details are meticulously outlined in the course structure section.

This program aims to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the rapidly evolving field of computer applications. By integrating rigorous academic instruction with hands-on experience, the MCA program at Tribhuvan University stands as a robust platform for aspiring professionals in the tech industry.

Salient Features

Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction and examination in the Master of Computer Applications (MCA) program shall be English.

Attendance Requirement

Students must attend at least 80% of the classes held in each course. It is recommended that students attend every lecture, tutorial, and practical class. Those who fail to meet the attendance requirement will not be eligible to participate in the final examination for that course.


The entry requirement for students in Master of Computer Applications (MCA) is: 

  • Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
  • Bachelor of Engineering (BE Computer/Electronics/Information Technology/Software)
  • Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT)
  • Bachelor of Computer Science and Information Technology (BSc.CSIT)
  • Bachelor of Information Management (BIM)
  • Bachelor of Education in Information and Communication Technology (Bed. ICT/BICT)
  • Completed the Bachelor's Degree with minimum B (2.7) grade (as defined in grading system for BCA, TU, FOHSS or equivalent) or equivalent degree from recognized institution or Minimum score of 45 percent (for annual system) in Bachelor's Degree or equivalent degree.

Admission Criteria

An Entrance exam shall be conducted once a year by Dean's Office, FOHSS. Eligible successful candidates shall be admitted on merit basis. 

Curricular Structure


N Course Code Course Name Total Credit Hrs. Theory Hrs. Practical Hrs.
1 MCA501 Discrete Structure 3 3 2
2 MCA502 Advanced Operating System 3 3 2
3 MCA503 Advanced Database Management System 3 3 2
4 MCA504 Programming Logic & Techniques using Python 3 3 2
5 MCA505 Research Methodology in Computer Applications 3 3 2
6 MCA506 Technical Writing 1 - 2
    Total Credits 16    


SN Course Code Course Name Total Credit Hrs. Theory Hrs. Practical Hrs.
1 MCA551 Algorithm Analysis & Design 3 3 2
2 MCA552 Object Oriented Software Engineering 3 3 2
3 MCA553 Internet & Web Programming 3 3 2
4 MCA554 Project I 3 - 6
5 MCA555 Academic Writing – I 1 - 2
6   Elective I 3 - -
    Total Credits 16    


1 MCA556 Digital Humanity 3 3 1
2 MCA557 Digital Marketing 3 3 2
3 MCA558 Knowledge Management 3 3 2
4 MCA559 E-Governance 3 3 2


SN Course Code Course Name Total Credit Hrs. Theory Hrs. Practical Hrs.
1 MCA601 Cryptography and Network Security 3 3 2
2 MCA602 Data Mining & Data Warehousing 3 3 2
3 MCA603 Project II 3 - 6
4 MCA604 Academic Writing – II 1 - 2
5   Elective II 3 - -
6   Elective III 3 - -
    Total Credits 16    


1 MCA605 Big Data Management 3 3 2
2 MCA606 Managerial Economics 3 3 1
3 MCA607 Virtualization & Cloud Computing 3 3 2
4 MCA608 Image Processing 3 3 2
5 MCA609 Artificial Intelligence 3 3 2
6 MCA610 Digital Forensics 3 3 2
7 MCA611 GIS & Remote Sensing 3 3 2
7 MCA612 Data Science 3 3 2


SN Course Code Course Name Total Credit Hrs. Theory Hrs. Practical Hrs.
1 MCA651 / MCA652 Dissertation / Project III 9 - 15
2   Elective IV 3    
3   Elective V 3    
    Total Credits 15    


1 MCA653 Machine Learning 3 3 2
2 MCA654 Internet of Things (IoT) 3 3 2
3 MCA655 Information Security Audit 3 3 2
4 MCA656 Natural Lanhguage Processing 3 3 2
5 MCA657 IT Infrastructure Management 3 3 2
6 MCA658 Quantum Computing 3 3 2
7 MCA659 Business Intelligence 3 3 2
8 MCA660 UI/UX Design 3 3 2