Entrance Exams
Colleges offering Certificate in Dental Science (Dental Hygiene) under CTEVT
The Government of Nepal has called for the provision of basic health service to all by establishing a network of health services in remote and urban areas. In this regard, the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) has been contributing towards the development of different level of health personnel. In the field of dental health, CTEVT has planned to produce middle level dental service providers in the form of Dental Hygienist. The Council will award "Certificate in Dental Science (Dental Hygiene)" to those candidates who successfully complete the requirements as prescribed by this curriculum. The Certificate in Dental Science (Dental Hygiene) graduates will be able to work as Dental Assistant in the hospital and clinical settings under the supervision of the Dental Surgeon and also will be able to serve in the community. This course is based on the academic requirements to provide basic dental/oral health care services as a middle level health professional. After completion of the course, the graduate is expected to perform the duty of hospital and clinic assistant as per assigned by Nepal Health Professional Council independently in different health institutions in Nepal and abroad.
The program is of three academic years' duration. The first year course focuses on basic science and foundation subjects, the second year course focuses on dental science and practical simultaneously and the third year is given to the application of learned skills and knowledge within the comprehensive practical settings, in hospitals or Clinics.
The foundational subjects like English, Nepali, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics (offered in diffusion model of curricular programme) are applicable in the medical field. The disciplinary subjects of medical field are included in all three years. This curricular programme also makes the provision of project works as well as real world of work practices in the specific medical areas.
The curriculum structure and the subject wise content reflect the details of this curriculum. In brief, this curriculum will guide to its implementers to produce competent and highly employable middle level technical workforce in medical field.
The overall objective of the program is to contribute to the human resource development in the field of oral health by producing the dental hygienist, thus to fulfill the human resource requirement in the country.
After the completion of the course the trainees will be able to:
- prepare technically competent middle level human resource who will demonstrate positive attitude and respect to the profession and to the socio-cultural values
- develop quality & ethical dental Science practice under the supervision of Dental Surgeon in the hospitals as well as in the community settings
- develop the attitude to educate and motivate the patients and community to practice plaque control measures to maintain oral Science
- acquire the skill to perform diagnosis & dental scaling of common periodontal disease
- use periodontal instruments for basic periodontal therapy and maintenance of the same
- develop attitude to impart preventive measures of oral health, especially preventing the periodontal diseases
- conserve the tooth to the maximum possible extent by maintaining periodontal health & ART procedure
- develop an attitude to perform the procedures under full aseptic measures
- develop attitude to prevent iatrogenic disease, and
- perform dental X-rays and Photography and refer for final diagnosis to dental surgeon
- refer the patients who require specialized care to Dental Surgeon / specialist
- provide Extended Services as defined/specified in curriculum
- Monthly preparatory test by the institute
- Three internal assessment in theory & practical by the institute
- Sent-up (preparatory) examination before OJT course placement
- Final examination at the end of the course on Theory & Practical, scheduled and conducted by CTEVT, Examination Division
The outstanding student of the semester will be provided with a scholarship.
Salient Features
Medium of Instruction
The medium of instruction will be in English and/or Nepali language.
Course Duration
The total duration of this curricular program is three academic years. The program is based on yearly system. Moreover, one academic year consists up to 39 weeks and one academic week consists up to 40 hours excluding evaluation period.
Pattern of Attendance
Minimum of 90% attendance in each subject is required to appear in the respective final examination.
Pass Marks
The students must secure minimum 40% marks in theory and 50% marks in practical. Moreover, the students must secure minimum pass marks in the internal assessment and in the semester final examination of each subject to pass the subject.
Grading System
The following grading system will be adopted:
- Distinction: 80% and above
- First division: 65% to below 80%
- Second division: 50 % to below 65%
- Pass division: Pass marks to Below 50%
Certificate Award
- Students who have passed all the components of all subjects of all 3 years are considered to have successfully completed the program.
- Students who have successfully completed the program will be awarded with a degree of "Certificate in Dental Science (Dental Hygiene)".
The candidates need to secure at least grade C in C. Mathematics, C. English and C.Science in School leaving Certificate (SLC) examination from recognized academic institution and an average GPA of at least 2.0
Admission Criteria
The entry criteria are:
SLC with 45% in aggregate with English, Science and Mathematics as compulsory subjects
Pass entrance examination conducted by CTEVT
Applicant should submit the following documents at the time of application:
• SLC pass certificate
• Character certificate
• Citizenship certificate
Student quota for different category of students as per the policy of CTEVT.
Job Prospects
The graduates will be eligible for the position equivalent to Non-gazette 1st class/Level 5 (technical) as prescribed by the Public Service Commission of Nepal and other related agencies. The graduate will be eligible for registration with the related health professional council in the grade as provisioned in the related Council Act (if any).