Bachelors in Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry

Bachelors in Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry

5 years
Fee (Tentative)NPR 495,000

Colleges offering BVSc&AH under Agriculture and Forestry University

BVSc. and AH is one of the three courses offered at Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Chitwan. 

This program aims to produce academically competent and practical-oriented professional veterinarians and animal scientists. The B.V.Sc and A.H. Program is a ten-semester (five years) program after 12 years of schooling with majoring in Science in high school. 

Examination System

Internal assessment

The Agriculture and Forestry University follows semester system of examination for evaluation. A total of 20% of full marks in theory in each subject is evaluated internally by the subject teacher through an internal assessment. The student must secure 40% marks in the internal assessment to qualify for final examination. The course teacher gives one chance for makeup test to those who fail in the first internal assessment or missed for valid reasons.

Final theory and practical examination

The Examination Board of Agriculture and Forestry University conducts a separate final theory examination of 80% and 20% of practical for each level externally through an external system of examination. A students must secure at least 40% marks in theory and practical separately to pass the final theory and practical examination in each subject. The students who fail in the final theory or practical examination are allowed to take a back-paper examination conducted by the examination board of AFU in each semester. Maximum allowable back paper examination will be as per the AFU regulation.

Attendance Requirement

A student must attend at least 70% of classes in theory and practical in each subject to be eligible for final examination. All teachers will submit their attendance register to the faculty dean after the end of classes of each subject.

Other Requirements and Rules 

The aspects of instruction, evaluation and other areas of academics not mentioned in here are as per rules and regulations of the Agriculture and Forestry University. The university may change any rules and regulations any times as required for effective functioning. 

Grading System

A student will be graded at 1- 4 scale; 1 being the lowest and 4 being the highest grade. A, B, C and D grade will be awarded according to marks obtained in the courses.


Marks Obtained


80% and above


65% and less than 80>#/b###


50% and less than 65>#/b###


40% and less than 50>#/b###



Salient Features

Besides the regular B.V.Sc . and A. H. courses, students will have following requirement to successfully complete the degree. These will be non-credit activities but shall be mentioned in the degree transcript along with the grades obtained.

 Tracking Programs

The tracking programs have been developed to allow students to exercise more control over the specific direction of their profession and motivate them for self-teaming through virtual classroom, distant learning, internet etc. A student has to compulsorily take any two programs of two credits each (2x2=4 credits) any time (one semester duration each) during second year to fifth year of B.V.Sc. & A.H. Degree Course under the supervision of one faculty member as designated by the Dean of the Faculty for that program. Evaluation of the students for this program shall be done internally on Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory basis. In case of unsuccessful candidates, the program can be carried over to the next semester/year. List of the Tracking Programs are given below:

  • Feline Medicine
  • Ophthalmology

ii)                                     Cryobiology of Gametes

iii)                                    Neurosciences

iv)                                    Clinical/ Interventional Nutrition

v)                                     Dermatology/integument Science

vi)                                    Alternate Veterinary Medicine

viii)                                  Anesthesiology

ix)                                    Small Animal Critical Care 

x)                                     Non-Mammalian Medicine

xi)                                    Sports Animal Medicine

xii)                                   Drug designing

Study Circles 

Each student of B.V.Sc. & A.H. degree course shall have to enroll himself/herself for at least two Study Circle activities daring the B.V.Sc. & A.H. degree course out of the proposed Study Circles-as listed below: 

  • i)                              Livestock and Livelihood Study Circle

ii)                             Production Systems Study Circle

iii)                            Ecosystems and Livestock Study Circle

iv)                             Equine Study Circle

v)                              Canine Study Circle

vi)                             Diagnostic Study Circle

vii)                            Alternate Animal Use Study Circle

viii)                            Fun/Sport Animal Study Circle

ix)                              Law and Veterinary Science Study Circle

x)                               Livestock products study circle


The Faculty Dean shall designate an advisor for each of the above Study Circle activities who shall supervise, guide, monitor and evaluate the activities of the Study Circles. Each enrolled student shall have to present a Seminar on the topics of his/her Study Circle any time during the Semester. The date and time of the Seminar shall be notified inviting participation of all students. The Study Circle shall also put up news, wall papers, drawings, exhibits of their subject in the Faculty buildings. The Dean of the Faculty shall coordinate the activities with the Advisors for each of the above Study Circles. The evaluation of the student for each of the registered Study Circles shall be done internally on Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory basis. The same shall be recorded in the Degree Transcript along with the grades obtained. No student shall be allowed to change the Circles during the professional year. 

 Entrepreneurial Training 

Each student of B.V.Sc. & A.H. degree course shall be required to compulsorily undertake one of the activities of Entrepreneurial Training as listed below. This training is aimed at developing entrepreneurial skill for self employment. The university shall provide interest free loans out of a revolving fund (Rs.2 lakhs) to student groups (team of up to five students), technical support and infrastructure for these activities. Inputs, day-to-day work and financial accounting shall be undertaken by the students. The profits/loss, if any, shall be kept/borne by the students. However, in case of loss, the Dean of the Faculty through the Entrepreneurship Committee consisting of four faculty members (at least one subject matter specialist) may evaluate the reasons of such loss and provide compensation in case it is found that the loss has been inadvertent .Proposed list of 17 Entrepreneurial activities is as follows:

  • 1.                                     Goat Production
  • 2.                                     Sheep Production 
  • 3.                                     Pig Production

4.                                     Broiler and Egg Production

5.                                     Pet Production

6.                                      Dairy Production

7.                                      Meat Production and Processing

8.                                      Feed Production-Mineral Mixture

9.                                      Milk Products

10.                                    Food safety-residue Analysis

11.                                    Clinical Investigatory laboratory

12.                                     Quality Control-Evaluation (Microbial)

13.                                     Shoeing and Shoe Manufacture

14.                                     Production of Diagnostic

15.                                     Pharmaceutical Formulations,

16.                                      Fish Production

  • 17.                                      Existing economics of livetock enterprizes

Besides, the Faculty may also offer the facilities for Entrepreneurial Training involving the activities of regional interest


  • a)   After passing the nine semester examinations, every student of B.V.Sc. & A.H. degree course shall be required to undergo a compulsory rotating internship for a minimum of six months so as to be eligible for the B.V.Sc & A. H. degree and fulfill the Nepal Veterinary Council registration criteria.
  • b)   Compulsory rotating internship shall include a full time training in veterinary and animal husbandry services including emergencies and night duties, Sundays and holidays). The intern will devote whole time to the training and will not be allowed to accept a whole time or part time appointment paid or otherwise,
  • c)   Internship shall be undertaken only after completion of all credit requirements of veterinary curriculum including Tracking Programs, Study Circles, Entrepreneurial Training as prescribed under these regulations.
  • d)   The university shall issue a provisional course completion certificate of having passed all the professional examinations up to 4th year and having successfully completed course work.
  • e)   The Veterinary Council of Nepal will grant provisional registration to the candidate on production of provisional B.V.Sc. & A.H. course completion certificate. The provisional registration will be for a minimum period of six months.
  • f)   After provisional registration with the Veterinary Council or Veterinary Council of Nepal, the candidate shall register for internship of six calendar months.
  • g)   Interns will be actively involved in rendering veterinary service under the supervision of an experienced teacher.
  • h)   They shall assist the teacher in all activities of the units they are posted in.
  • i)   During the period of internship they shall be” provided remuneration in the form of internship allowance as may be decided by the Faculty of Animal Science, Veterinary Science and Fisheries from time to time.
  • j)   Attendance will be compulsory. The candidate will be entitled for 10 days casual leave. The leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right until and unless the sanctioning authority sanctions it. If an intern will fully absents from the training program even if for part of a day or during off hours duty (including Sundays/holidays) he/ she may be treated absent for that day. The candidate will be required to undergo training for the additional days in lieu of the absence period and internship allowance will not be paid for these additional days.
  • k)   The internship program shall be monitored by a Committee constituted by the Dean under his/her chairmanship including among others the Director of VTH, Departmental Heads and Director of ILFC as members. This Committee shall monitor effective implementation of the internship training program from time to time. The member secretary would be the Director of VTH or the Departmental Heads.
  • l)   In case of unsatisfactory work/ performance and/or shortage of attendance, the period of compulsory rotating internship shall be extended by not more than two months by the appropriate authority If this period is more than two months, the intern has to re-register afresh for internship program for entire six calendar months including registration with the Nepal Veterinary Council.
  • m)   Internship allowance will be paid only for six calendar months. No internship allowance will be paid for the period of absence/unsatisfactory performance/extended period.
  • n)   The compulsory rotating internship for six calendar months shall be done in teaching and approved Veterinary Polyclinics/Veterinary Hospitals, Veterinary Biological Centers, Farms, National Parks and wildlife conservation and Veterinary Disease Investigation Centers. The internship program can be undertaken at approved veterinary institutions in Nepal.
  • o)   The compulsory rotating internship shall be in the following areas:
    • i)   Clinical training covering veterinary medicine, surgery and radiology, animal reproduction, gynecology and obstetrics, clinical emergencies, indoor ward care, hospital management record keeping etc. for three months.
    • ii)   Livestock production and management training, covering farm routines of cattle and buffalo farms, piggery/rabbitary, sheep and goat farms, and equine/ camel unit etc. for one month.
    • iii)   Poultry production and management covering layer and broiler Production, hatchery and chick management quail, turkey, duck units etc. as well as fishery or any other recycling unit where feasible, for one month.
    • iv)   Livestock technology and service’ covering familiarization in biological product units, disease control campaigns (disease investigation and sample collection and dispatch, vaccination, mass testing etc.) in plant training in meat plants, milk plants, etc. training in zoo/ wild life center/ national parks, for one month.
  • p)   Details of day to day work, posting and duration needs to be worked out by the Veterinary Institution as per its needs and infrastructure facilities,
  • q)   Where an Intern is posted to a recognized Veterinary hospital for training, a Representative of the Faculty and the Director of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital shall regulate the training of such interns,
  • r)   Every Intern shall render professional veterinary service, skill and knowledge under supervision and guidance of a registered veterinary practitioner working in the approved Veterinary Institution.
  • s)   Function, responsibilities and duties of Interns:


    • i)   Participation with clinical faculty in the hospital practice.
    • ii)   Shares the emergency and night duties on rotation in the larger and small animal hospitals including Sundays & holidays.
    • iii)   Participation with staff of the place of posting in Veterinary Practice (production or technology).
    • iv)   The intern responsibilities include hands-on diagnostic and treatment procedures for hospitalized cases under the supervision of the attending veterinarian.
    • v)   Participation in the tutorial instructional program of the Veterinary Faculty.
    • vi)   The intern will administer primary care to emergency cases and participate in service such as anaesthesia, radiology, ultrasonography, endoscopy, laboratory and diagnostic procedures. Medicine and Surgery rounds are held periodically allowing the interns to present cases and participate in topic discussion.
  • t)   The training shall be supplemented by weekly sessions of clinical conference, farm operation and data analysis, preparation of feasibility reports, project report, campaigns/ discussions in, clinical training, farm training and technology and services respectively.
  • u)   For the purpose of internship all necessary inputs like accommodation, transport, adequate clinical facilities etc. shall be provided through internship allowance.
  • v)   The intern shall maintain a log book of day to day work which may be verified & certified by the supervisor under whom he/she works. In addition, the interns will prepare a brief project report on the basis of his/ her case study/ case analysis, survey reports etc. This shall be based on his/ her own study during the internship. Such reports can be supervised by more than one teacher, if required. The interns shall present such report in seminar organized for the purpose.
  • w)   The grading shall be based upon the evaluation of log book, their performance reports from the site advisors, project report and Internship report presentations at the end of the program by an Evaluation Committee conducted at the end of the program comprising of the faculty representing the concerned departments appointed by the Dean for this purpose.
  • x)   Every Intern shall have to submit an Entrepreneurial Project during the   Internship Program.

Comprehensive Examination on Core Competence in Veterinary skills: 

The competence in veterinary skills examination shall be based on an evaluation of core competence in professional skills as detailed below;

  • 1. Restraint of cow, sheep, horse, dog and pig. Haltering, snaring, muzzling, tad switch, bandaging of horse for exercise and stable bandaging
  • 2. Animal identification, Dentition and ageing of animals                       3. Housing layout/requirements of livestock and poultry
  • 4. Computation of ration of livestock of different breeds and age groups in health and disease
  • 5. Fodder management and interpretation of feed quality evaluation
  • 6. Physical evaluation of livestock health parameters (auscultation, percussion, recording of temperature, pulse, heart rate, respiration rate etc.)
  • 7. Recording and interpretation of cardiovascular response
  • Sample collection, handling-and dispatch of biological materials for laboratory examination
  • 8. Testing of milk and milk products for quality, clean milk production
  • 9.  Carcass quality evaluation (ante-mortem & post-mortem examination) 10. Specific diagnostic tests for zoonotic diseases
  • 11. Sample collection, handling and dispatch of biological materials for laboratory examination
  • 12. Staining techniques for routine clinico- pathological examinations 13.  Relating post-mortem lesions to major livestock diseases
  • 14. Hematological evaluation (total leukocyte count, differential leukocyte count, hemoglobin, packed cell volume, erythrocyte sedimentation rate etc.) and interpretation
  • 15. Tests and their interpretation for haemoprotozoan diseases
  • 16. Body fluids collection, examination and interpretation as an aid to diagnosis
    17. Urine evaluation procedures and interpretation as indicators for diagnosis of diseases 
  • 18. Fecal examination- procedures and interpretation 
  • 19. Examination of skin scrapings and interpretation     
  • 20. Interpretation of blood chemistry profile in diseases 
  • 21. Deworming procedures and doses for different species of animals/birds 
  • 22. Managing an outbreak of infectious/contagious disease 
  • 23. Approach to diagnosis of a given disease condition
  • 24. Pre-anesthetic administration and induction, maintenance of general anesthesia and dealing with anesthetic emergencies
  • 25. Local anesthetic administration
  • 26. Nerve blocks-sites, functional application
    27. Suture material, suture pattern and tying knots
  • 28. Common surgical procedures including dehorning, docking, caesarian section, ovariohysterectomy, castration, rumenotomy
  • 29. Application of plaster cast/splint for fracture immobilization and other bandaging procedure in large and small animals.
  • 30. Soundness in horses
  • 31. Rectal examination - palpation of pelvic/abdominal organs in cattle/ horses/ buffaloes,
    32. Detection of oestrus, artificial insemination, pregnancy diagnosis, 33.  Management of vaginal/uterine prolapse and dystocia 
  • 34. Andrological examination of bull, handing, preservation and evaluation of semen
  • 35. Vaccination procedures, vaccination schedules and vaccine types for different diseases
    36. Handling of radiograph, interpretation of a given radiograph of large and small animals 
  • 37. Client management
  • 38. Managing a clinical practice, ambulatory van, transporting a sick animal requirements, etc.
  • 39. Dosage regimens of important drugs
  • 40. Drug administration techniques in different species of animals-oral, parenteral, rectal, intra-peritoneal and intra-uterine
  • 41. Identification of major livestock/poultry breeds
  • 42. Measuring climatic parameters and their interpretation
  • 43. Communication technology tools


Students with I. Sc. (Basic Science) or 10+2 ( Science) with compulsory English, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Biology securing a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate from any recognized Universities or Boards are eligible to apply for B.V.Sc.&AH.

Quota (Seats)

A total quota of 100 seats is available for students starting from the 2081/82 session. The allocated quota for the academic year 2081/82 is as follows: 

  • Martyr: 20
  • Provincial: 7
  • Female: 2
  • Dalit: 1
  • Indigenous / Janajati: 1
  • Madhesi: 1
  • Conflict-Affected / Martyr Family: 1
  • Disabled: 1
  • Full Staff Scholarship: 1
  • Staff Retired / Tuition Fee Waived: 1
  • Local Quota UDF: 2
  • UDF: 12 (11+1)*
  • FDF: 50
  • Total: 100

Fee  of  BVSc & AH for the Academic Year (2079-2080)

Fee for University Development Fund (UDF) Category: NRs. 495,000

Admission Criteria

The notice regarding students' admission is published in a national newspaper and will be put on the website of Agriculture and Forestry University ( The exact date of admission process may vary from year to year but it generally starts in August- September and classes begins from mid of November.

How to apply

Applications can be submitted online. Online application can be accessed at the official website of the university : 

When encountered with any problem, then applicants can contact the responsible authority at for technical help.   

Admission is done on the basis of entrance examination (80%), aggregate score of Higher secondary level or plus two (10%), aggregate score of SLC/SEE (10%). The applicants will be selected on merit basis. The applicants must score 50% or more in the entrance examination in order to qualify. 

Entrance Examination

A total of 80 questions will be included in the written test. Questions are made with reference to the 7 subjects students study during their higher secondary level. Following is the list of distribution of questions among those 7 subjects:

1. English - 12

2. Chemistry - 12

3. Physics - 12

4. Botany - 12

5. Zoology - 12

6. Mathematics - 12

7. General knowledge - 8

Required documents for admission

1. Passport size photo - 3

2. Original copy of Nepali Citizenship Certificate

3. Original Transcript and Character Certificate, SLC/SEE 

4. Original Transcript and Character Certificate, Plus two/Higher Secondary Level

5. Degree certificate or provisional certificate, Plus two/ Higher Secondary Level

6. Equivalency Certificate (If other than Nepal Board)

7. Original Quota Verification Letter/Certificate (as specified) for candidates seeking admission under certain quota.

8. Original admit card, Entrance Examination 

Applicants with an Higher Education Degree from any other University than Agriculture and Forestry University are required to register with Agriculture and Forestry University. The applicants are required to Submit the original copy of Migration Certificate during registration.

Please visit NOTICE section for more detailed information regarding admission and student quotas

Curricular Structure

1st Semester


Course Code

Name of the subject

Credit Hours

VAN     101

Gross Anatomy I (Osteology, Arthrology and Biomechanics)


VAN     102

Gross Anatomy II (Myology, Neurology, Angiology and


VBC    101


General Biochemistry


LPM     101

Ruminant Production and Management


ANU    101

Principles and Practices of Fodder Production and Pasture


EXT     101


Sociology and Principles of Vet. and A. H. Extension






2nd Semester


Course Code

Name of the subject

Credit Hours

VAN     103

Veterinary Histology and Embryology


VPY     101

Physiology I (Locomotor, Cardiovascular, Blood and



Respiratory System)

Non ruminant Production (Pig and Poultry )


VBC 102

Physiological Biochemistry


ANU 102

Principles of Animal Nutrition


LPM 103

Animal Housing and Sanitation


AST 302

Biostatistics and Computer Application






3rd Semester


Course Code

Name of the subject

Credit Hours

VAN     204

Splanchnology and Applied Anatomy


VPA      201

Parasitology I (General Veterinary Parasitology and


VPY      202

Cestode Parasites)

Physiology II (Digestive Excretory and Nervous System)


VPP     201

General Pathology


ANU    203

Applied Animals Nutrition I (Ruminant)


VMI     201

Microbiology I (General Veterinary Microbiology)


LPM     204

Bee, Pet and Lab Animal Management


ANB    201

Principles of Genetics and Animal Breeding


VPT     201

General and Systemic Pharmacology




16 +10

4th Semester



Course Code

Name of the subject

Credit Hours

VPY      203

Physiology III( Reproduction, Lactation and Endocrinology)


VPA      202

Parasitlogy II (Helminthology and Leeches)


VPT     202

Veterinary Neuropharmacology


VMI     202

Microbiology II (Veterinary Immunology and Serology)


VPP     202

Systemic Pathology


ANU    204

Evaluation of Feed Stuff


ANU    205

Applied Animals Nutrition II (Non- ruminant)


ANB    202

Animal Breeding and Biotechnology


AQU    201

Principles of Aquaculture






5th Semester



Course Code

Name of the subject

Credit Hours

VPT     303

Veterinary Chemotherapy


VPY     304

Physiology IV (Growth Environment and Climatology)


VPH     301

Environmental Hygiene


ANU    306

Applied Human Nutrition


VMI     303

Microbiology III (Systematic Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology)





VPA      303

Parasitology III (Veterinary Entomology and Acarology)


EXT     302

Extension Techniques in Veterinary Practices and


Livestock Production


VPP     303

Special Pathology I


LPT      301

Abattoir Practices and APT





6th Semester

Course Code

Name of the subject

Credit Hours

VBC    303

Clinical Biochemistry


VPH     302

Veterinary Epidemiology


VPA        304

Veterinary Protozoology


VMI     304

Microbiology IV (Systematic Veterinary Virology)


VPP     304

Special Pathology II (Poultry, Fish and Diagnostic Pathology)


VOG   301 Theriogenology I (Animal Reproduction and Endocrinology) 2+1

VMC    301

Internal Medicine I (Systemic)


VCS     301

Veterinary Clinical Service I 0+1

VPT     304

Veterinary Toxicology 2+1



7th Semester

Course Code

Name of the subject

Credit Hours

AEC     402

Farm Management and Production Economics


VOG    402

Theriogenology II (Gynaecolgy and Obstetric)


VSR     401



VSR     402

General Surgery


VMC   402

Internal Medicine II (Metabolic and Deficiency)


VMC    403

Preventive Medicine I (Bacterial, Fungal and Rickettsial)


VCS     402

Veterinary Clinical Service II


AQU     402

Fish Diseases

LPT      402

Milk and Milk Product Technology


VPH     403

Milk and meat Hygiene, food safety and Public Health



Total   16+11

8th Semester

Course Code

Name of the subject

Credit Hours

LPT      403

Meat, Meat Products Technology


VOG    403

Theriogenology III (Animal Infertility)


VSR     403

Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging


VSR     404

Regional and Clinical Surgery I


VMC 404

Preventive Medicine II (Viral, Protozoal and Parasitic Diseases)


VMC    405

Ethics and Jurisprudence


VCS     403

Veterinary Clinical Service III


VBC    404

Molecular Biology and Biotechnology

AEC     401

Agriculture Marketing and Cooperatives




9th Semester

Course Code

Name of the subject

Credit Hours

VPH     504

Zoonosis and Public Health


ANB    503

Livestock and Poultry Breeding


VOG    504

Theriogenology IV (Veterinary Andrology and Reproductive Techniques)


VSR     505

Regional and Clinical Surgery II


VMC    506

Animal Welfare


VCS     504 Veterinary Clinical Service IV

VMC   507

Wildlife, Pet and Lab Animal Medicine


EXT     503

Social Mobilization and Community Development 2+1

LPM    505

Wildlife Production and Management 1+1

VCS     505

Veterinarian in Society 1+0


                                                                12+9= 21

Total Credit Hours: 122+79=201

For detailed information regarding all the courses in the curriculum: 

B.Sc. Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry Course details