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Colleges offering BSc Zoology under Tribhuvan University
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Chemistry is a four-year course of Tribhuvan University. B.Sc Chemistry is offered by many constituent and affiliated colleges of Tribhuvan University across the nation.
Zoology or animal biology is the branch of biology that studies the animal kingdom, including the structure, embryology, evolution, classification, habits, and distribution of all animals, both living and extinct, and how they interact with their ecosystems.
Any candidates who have completed 10+ 2 or equivalent (Biological Stream) securing minimum 'C' grade in all subjects of Grade 11 and 12 are eligible for admission in Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Zoology program of Tribhuvan University.
Curricular Structure
First Year
Course Title: Non-chordata and Protochordata
Group A : Lower Non-chordata
- Unit 1- Taxonomy
- Unit 2- Protozoa
- Unit 3- Porifera
- Unit 4- Coelenterata
- Unit 5- Platyheiminthes
- Unit 6- Aschelminthes
- Unit 7- Annelids
Group B: Higher Non-chordata and Protochordata
- Unit 1- Taxanomy
- Unit 2- Arthopods
- Unit 3- Mollusca
- Unit 4- Echinodermata
- Unit 5- Protochordata
Second Year
Course Title: Chordata, Comparative Anatomy and Evolution
Group A1: Chordata
- Agnatha
- Pisces
- Amphibia
- Reptilia
- Aves
- Mammalia
Group A2: Ethology
- Introduction to Ethology
Group B1: Comparative Anatomy of Chordata
- Exoskeleton
- Endoskeleton
- Digestive Organs
- Respiratory Organs
- Circulatory Organs
- Urinogenital Organs
- Evolution
- Biogeography
Third Year
- Physiology, Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Natural Resources Management- Elective
- Bioinformatics - Elective
Fourth Year
- Entomology and Parasitology
- Ecology and Fish and Fisheries
- Applied Biology
- Ethnobiology and Biodiversity Conversation