Ratna Jyoti Multiple Campus offers Bachelor of Arts (BA) under the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tribhuvan University.

Within the same stream, students might study compulsory English, compulsory Nepali, Nepal Studies, sociology, economics, culture, rural development, social work, mass communication, and population studies.

The four-year course is worth 2,000 marks (500 points each year), and students can pick two 700-point majors and two 100-point electives.

Three subjects will be compulsary: English, Nepali, and Nepal Studies. English will be worth 200 points, Nepali will be worth 100 points, and Nepal Studies will be worth 100 points. In the first and third years, English will be required, while Nepali will be required in the second year and Nepal studies will be required in the third year.

Students will be graded on 70-point written exams, with 30 points for internal assessment, which includes mini-projects, classroom presentations, and cooperation for each topic.