Fee: NPR 525,000

The BALLB (Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Law) program is an extensive five-year integrated course tailored for individuals who have finished their +2 or intermediate studies in any field. This curriculum offers a distinctive fusion of law and arts subjects, encompassing a wide array of interdisciplinary topics such as History, Sociology, English, Economics, and more. By seamlessly blending legal studies with the arts, it grants students a holistic comprehension of both legal principles and broader societal contexts.

Legal education has always held a significant position in the realm of learning, captivating substantial interest from students. The persistent demand for legal courses stems from its pertinence and the diverse array of career opportunities it presents. Legal education transcends mere theoretical instruction; it constitutes professional training that involves delving deep into legal doctrines, refining legal skills, and nurturing an appropriate mindset to tackle the legal requisites of the nation.

The BA LLB program is meticulously crafted to address the nation's requirement for adept legal professionals. Its objective is to produce legal experts who possess not only a solid academic foundation but also the practical competencies needed to navigate the intricacies of the legal domain. Consequently, this program assumes a pivotal role in shaping individuals who can make meaningful contributions to the legal landscape and effectively fulfill the evolving demands of the country's legal sphere.