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Plus two in Humanities is a foundation-level course. It is for students interested in pursuing college degrees in mass communication, sociology, English, or other related fields. The Humanities and Social Sciences stream is a two-year plus two-level foundation course offered by the National Examination Board (NEB). It combines language studies, mass communication, sociology, psychology, economics, marketing/business mathematics, contemporary society, and other subjects to give students a comprehensive education.

JMC has become successful to prove that quality education is not the outcome of high financial investments but the consequence of sound labor of weariless students, dedicated faculties, and efficient management. A conducive academic environment, intellectual workshop, multimedia use, etc. are some of the numerous features of JMC that prove it an ideal educational institution with a difference. The campus has offered free ships to meritorious and underprivileged students per annul as a remarkable service to the nation.

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