Bhanubhakta Memorial College

Bhanubhakta Memorial College

Panipokhari, Kathmandu


The late national poet Bhanubhakta Acharya's name is incorporated into the 1967-founded Bhanubhakta Memorial College (BMS). Thus, it has been demonstrated that those who envisioned the golden tomorrow were sincere in their creation and selflessly dedicated. Since the beginning, this pioneer in the field has always offered high-quality education in the truest sense. 

Contact Address

Bhanubhakta Memorial CollegeP.O. Box: 10597, Panipokhari (Opp. to Japanese Embassy), Ktm, Nepal

Salient Features

  • Classrooms are thoughtfully designed with cozy seating arrangements. Each class has a set maximum number of students.
  •  Three separate, roomy halls serve as well-equipped science laboratories.
  • The weekly schedule now includes a regular class for computer lab.
  • Internet and email access is available to students. 
  • A large range of reading and reference materials are available at the library.
  • Regular parent-teacher conferences are scheduled. Such an approach has been quite beneficial in gaining access to and resolving the kids' issues.
  • For academically gifted and worthy students, scholarship policies such as freeship, half-freeship, and rewards (for every term topper) are offered.


Admission Guidelines

Students who have passed the SLC exam or an equivalent test administered by an established board will be required to take the NEF Entrance Examination.
The results of the interview and the combined SLC and entrance examination scores will determine admission. As soon as the SLC results are out, the students will begin to be admitted.

Class XI Science/commerce/Hotel Management

The candidate should have passed the SLC examination or a comparable test administered by a recognized Board.

The candidate must meet the following requirements to be eligible for the scientific courses: 

  • took the optional mathematics portion of the SLC test;
  • achieved a minimum score of 210 in science, compulsory mathematics, and English.

A minimum score of 120 in required English and mathematics is required for admission to the business/hotel management program.


  • Candidates seeking admission to NEF colleges, including Bhanubhakta, Little Angles, and Xavier Academy, must have the aforementioned marks. However, only having these will not ensure admittance.
  • Students who want to be included on the college's Merit List must first pass the college entrance exam and then perform well enough in the interview.
  • According to the availability of places, students whose names are on the Merit List will be accepted to the institution in order of merit.




Bhanubhakta Memorial College also provides academic awards to the students.

Bhanushree Award (Gold Medal)

This Award is provided to students in class XII who achieved an overall HSEB Final Examination score of at least 75 percent in commerce and at least 80 percent in science. This pricey medal is given to the pupil in recognition of their exceptional accomplishment. This would undoubtedly open the door for the concerned student's prospective career.

Award for Term Topper

This prize is presented to the student who scored highest overall in each class during the terminal exams. The prize recipient will get a three-month full scholarship.

ECA Awards

Students that participate in and succeed in extracurricular activities (ECA) event get ECA awards, which might include medals, diplomas, and mementos.



People's Campus
People's Campus
  • Paknajol, Kathmandu
Global College of Management
Global College of Management
  • Mid-Baneshwor, Kathmandu
Janamaitri Multiple Campus
Janamaitri Multiple Campus
  • Kuleshwor, Kathmandu
New Summit College
New Summit College
  • Shantinagar Gate, New Baneshwor, Kathmandu
Public Youth Campus
Public Youth Campus
  • Dhobichaur, Kathmandu


Ideal Model School
Ideal Model School
  • Dhobighat, Lalitpur
Bhanubhakta Memorial Secondary School
Bhanubhakta Memorial Secondary School
  • Bhanubhakta Marg, Panipokhari, Kathmandu