Bridge Course

Technical Analysis of Preeti Font


January 31, 2021
Last updated February 10, 2022
A-Levels 2025

Preeti font was designed and created by Ajay Mishra in 1993 AD, and he named it after his daughter Preeti Mishra. It was crafted and designed using Fontographer 3.5, a font editing tool. Since then it has become one of the most used Nepali fonts.

The tool that was used to publish the Preeti font, Fontographer 3.5, was later discontinued in 2013 AD and was then replaced by Fontlab. If the TTF file is opened in Fontlab, then you will get something like this: 

Recommended- Download Preeti Font

The characters along with their raising-key are showed with Fontlab 7. 

The specifications of Preeti Font is as:

Parameter Description Value
Script                                                                   - Devanagari
Intended Language Language for which font is created Nepali
Unicode Compatibility Defines whether the font is Unicode compatible i.e., the characters have its own character code or not No
Font Standard Defines the format/standard used for the font TrueType
Number Glyphs Defines the number of characters availed in the font 142
Color Mode Defines the colors used in the characters of the font Monochrome
Generator Defines which font editor was used to generate the final and executable file for the font Fontographer 3.5
Font Version Defines the version number of the font 1
Generated on Defines the date when the final and executable file for the font was generated through the generator August 04, 1993 4:08 AM
Style                                                                            - Regular
Italicized Defines if the font is italicized by default or not No
Monospaced Defines whether the font is monospaced or not, i.e., each character has the same amount of horizontal space or not No
Weight defines how bold the text is in the range of 100-900 (incrementing at 100) 400
Weight Class Defines the name of the font weight Regular
Slope Defines the direction in which characters are slanted Plain
Serif Classification Defines if the font is serif or not N/A
Caps Height Defines the height of the capital character in the font 700
x-Height Defines the height of the character 'x' in the font 500
Em Size Defines the line height in points, where 1 point is equal to 1/12 picas or 0.3528 mm 1000
Italic Angle Defines the angle at which characters is italicized
Underline Position Defines the position of underline from the baseline of the characters -143

Preeti font was originally compiled as True-Type Font (TTF), and later was also made available as Open Type Font (OTF) to ensure compatibility with other hardware/software platforms. 

Click here to download the TTF and OTF versions of Preeti Font. 

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