Online Matching Process after CEE Examination

Abhishek Bhandari

August 14, 2021
Last updated October 12, 2022
Sr. Content Writer

After the publication of the merit list, the successful candidates will be given the opportunity to choose a maximum of twenty-five priorities for the college-program.

  1. The successful candidates can set their priorities of the college and corresponding academic program once Medical Education Commission starts online matching process.
  2. In that application window, candidates have to choose the priority in sets of college and program by clicking "Add College and Program" button. Candidates can select desired college and corresponding program from drop-down menu. Candidates can select minimum of 1 (one) and maximum of 25 (twenty five) sets of college-program priority, by clicking on the "insert above" or "insert below" button available to the right in the order of priority.
  3. The order of college and program selected by a candidate will be marked as a priority. After selecting the priority, candidates have to click on "Save college-program priority" button.
  4. The priorities selected by the candidates can be amended at any time within the time frame.
  5. After changing the priority, candidate must save it again by clicking on "Save college program priority" button. Priority cannot be modified after the closing date. Candidates will have to download and save the confirmation page of their "priority sets" after the closing date.
  6. Candidates are suggested NOT to choose the subject and college that they do not want to pursue their study in. Once the college-program is matched, candidates are supposed to take admission in the choice that is matched according to their rank and priority.
  7. Based on the set priority and merit order, the first result of the computer-based matching will be published with a deadline for admission in the respective University, Academy, or Institutes (NOT directly to the college).
  8. On the basis of the above-mentioned list, the University, Academy or Institutes will admit the students to the respective colleges and inform it to Medical Education Commission
  9. The matching list of the first phase will be published on the basis mentioned above. Candidates who have applied to more than one program and are on the merit list will be allowed to participate in the matching of each program but will be automatically removed from the matching list of the remaining programs after enrolling in any one educational program.
  10. Candidates on the first phase matching list will be removed from the list after the deadline for admission expires.
  11. The matching list of the second phase will be published for the remaining candidates who are eligible for the vacant seats which could not be admitted from the matching list published in the first phase.
  12. After the expiration of the allotted time for the candidates in the second phase matching list, their names will be removed from the list and the matching list of the third phase will be published for the remaining candidates who are eligible for admission in the vacant seats.
  13. The academic session will start after the expiry of the admission period provided to the candidates on the matching list of the third phase.
  14. The time allotted for admission to the candidates on the matching list of the third phase has expired
  15. If the seat becomes vacant even after that, the following open house counseling /wrap-up matching will be done among the initial candidates who are not enrolled in any educational institution.
  16. Candidates wishing to participate in the wrap-up matching will be invited to apply online by providing a certain period of time.
  17. Vacant seats will be filled by open house counseling/matching by informing the concerned candidates in advance about the day, time, and place of the matching in the presence of the candidates who submit online applications within the stipulated time.
  18. Within thirty-five days of the start of the academic session, the selection and admission of students according to this sub-section must be completed
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