Vacancy for Various Positions at Purbanchal University

Deadline: February 27, 2025 11:15
The vacancy is closed.

Purbanchal University, Office of the Service Commission, Gothgaun, Morang Notice Regarding Internal and Open/Inclusive Competitive Examinations for Academic Positions (Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor).

For internal competition, applications are invited from permanent teachers of Purbanchal University who meet the minimum educational and other requirements. For open/inclusive competition, applications are invited from Nepali citizens who meet the minimum educational and other requirements.

Key Details

  • Application Submission Deadline (Regular Fee): Falgun 08, 2081 (February 20, 2025) 2:00 PM
  • Application Submission Deadline (Double Fee): Falgun 15, 2081 (February 27, 2025) 2:00 PM
  • Interested candidates must submit two copies of the completed application form to the Purbanchal University Service Commission Office, Gothgaun, Morang.

Account Details

  • Bank: Nabil Bank Ltd., Biratnagar
  • Account Number: 00710017518907

Required Documents:

  1. Certified copies of mark sheets and certificates of all academic qualifications from the School Leaving Certificate (SLC) level and above.

  2. Experience letter (clearly stating dates of permanent, temporary, contract, unpaid leave, unpaid deputation, transfer, promotion, etc., and a certified document indicating the working campus/office).

  3. Three recent passport-size photographs.

  4. Seven copies of a detailed curriculum vitae (bio-data).

  5. Certified copies of permanent/temporary/contract appointment letters.

  6. Books, research publications, and other scholarly works written at a level one grade below the applied position (as per Schedule 3 of the Purbanchal University Teacher Selection and Promotion Process and Procedures 2073).

  7. The application form must be submitted along with all the documents mentioned in serial no. 1 to 6, as well as books, research publications, and other scholarly works written before the publication of this advertisement while working at a position one level below the applied position. Applications will be rejected if any of the required documents are missing.

(a) Details of Vacant Positions, Advertisement Nos., Positions, and Subjects for Internal Competition:

S.N. Advertisement No. Position Subject Vacancy
1 068/081/082 Assistant Professor Agriculture (Horticulture) 2
2 069/081/082 Assistant Professor Nursing (Child Health) 1
3 070/081/082 Assistant Professor Nursing (Community Health) 1

(b) Details of Vacant Positions, Advertisement Nos., Positions, and Subjects for Open/Inclusive Competition:

S.N. Advertisement No. Position Subject Vacancy
1 071/081/082 Professor Management 1
2 072/081/082 Professor Computer 1
3 073/081/082 Associate Professor Electronics and Communication Engineering 1
4 074/081/082 Associate Professor Nursing 1

(c) Salary: As per the prevailing rules and regulations of Purbanchal University.

(d) Age Limit for Open/Inclusive Competition: Candidates for Professor and Associate Professor positions must not exceed 50 years of age. However, this rule does not apply to candidates who have already entered permanent, contract, or temporary service at the university within the specified age limit and are currently working.

(e) Application Fee: For open/inclusive competition: Professor - NPR 5,000, Associate Professor - NPR 4,500. For internal competition: Associate Professor - NPR 3,500.

(9) Detailed Information: Minimum qualification requirements and other details can be viewed and downloaded from the Purbanchal University Service Commission's website: and on the office's notice board.

Note: The Purbanchal University Service Commission reserves the right to correct any inadvertent errors in this advertisement.

View the official notice below: