Lok Sewa Aayog Announces Vacancy for Non-Gazetted First Class of Civil Service and 5th Level Health Services 2081

Deadline: November 20, 2025 11:15
Lok Sewa Aayog Announces Vacancy for Non-Gazetted First Class of Civil Service and 5th Level Health Services 2081

Lok Sewa Aayog (Public Service Commission) publishes an advertisement for the open and written examinations for the post of First Class of Civil Service, Federal Parliament Service, Fifth Level of Health Service, and Assistant First Class ( Technical) of National Human Rights Service.

Applications are invited from the candidates who meet the qualification of services, groups, subgroups, and levels of Civil Service, Federal Parliament Service, Non-Gazetted First Class (Technical), Fifth Level of Health Service, and Assistant First Class of National Human Rights Service.

Key Details:

  • Regular Submission Deadline:  2081/11/20
  • Deadline for Submission with Double Fee:  2081/11/27
  • Application Fee: Rs 700 (additional fee of Rs 200  per additional group for additional advertisements for the inclusive group.
  • Examination Center: All offices of the Commission except the Central Office. The exam for the advertisements published from the Jaleshwor office will be held at Lahan of Siraha. At the same time, the exam for the advertisement published by Parsa district will be held at Birgunj, Dopla, for the Surkhet office, and the district headquarters for the advertisements published by Humla.
  • Interested candidates can apply online HERE.

Payment Procedure:

  • The application fee can be paid directly through the Commission's online application system via electronic means or by printing the bank voucher with the Master ID and transaction reference number and paying in cash at the designated bank.
  • Applications for all open and inclusive positions must be submitted through the online system only by 2081/11/28. Detailed information on the method of submitting applications online can be found https://psc.gov.np/

Age limit for Candidates:

  • Must be at least 18 years old and not exceed 35 years by Falgun 20, 2081 , and up to 40 years for female and disabled candidates. Candidates must be at least 18 years old and not exceed 45 years for health services. There is no age limit for permanent Civil Service, Provincial Civil Service, and Local Government Service employees.

Documents to be submitted:

  • Candidates must upload documents such as minimum educational qualifications, training, experience, certificates as per Notice (a), and documents related to inclusive groups specified in the advertisement in PDF format in the designated place in the online application system.
  • All candidates must scan both sides of their Nepali citizenship certificate and upload it in JPG format in the designated place.
  • Candidates themselves are fully responsible and accountable for the details mentioned in the application.
  • Salary:  As specified for the service and level

Date of Interview:

  • The interview date will be confirmed once the written examination results are published.

Examination Time:

  • First Paper: 1:00 PM (45 minutes)
  • Second Paper: 2:15 PM (2 hours 15 minutes
    Note: The examinations for the First and Second Papers will be conducted on the same day as the syllabus prescribes.

View the official notice below: