Scholarships available in Karnali Academy of Health Sciences

Teaching Reinvented
Full scholarship:- Twenty percent of the total students will be selected  under this scheme. The student must pass class 8, 9 & SLC from public schools of backward region. They also must have recommendation letter from VDC/Municipality indicating that the candidate belongs to below poverty line category.
The students have to produce following documents to secure full scholarship in 4 subgroups given below:-
  1. Permanent Residence of Backward region - 3
  2. Aadibasi/Janjati - 1
  3. Madhesi - 1
  4. Dalit - 1
• The students will be selected according their merit on the basis of available seats in these subgroups.
• The candidate applying for more than one subgroup will be given opportunity for each subgroup according to her merit.
A. Faculty/staff children "Dr. Bikalp Pokhrel" scholarship:- One seat will be available for the daughter of faculty/staff of the KAHS under full scholarship scheme. Among the successful applicants, one applicant with highest score will be selected on the basis of following matrix.
  1. Entrance examination score 60
  2. The service period of concerned faculty & staff 20
  3. The level of faculty/staff
  4. Total 100
C. Partial Scholarship:- The number of seats available in this category will be decided by subtracting successful candidates of reserved seats from total seats. The successful candidate who has applied under this category will be considered as one group & they will be selected according to their merit on the basis of following matrix.
  1. Entrance examination score 55
  2. Passed out from public school 10
  3. HDI 10
  4. Dalit 5
  5. Madhesi 5
  6. Adibasi/Janjati 5
  7. ANM Background  10
Total 100
D. Collaborative scholarship:- This scheme will be activated, if an agreement is reached with a local government body, organization or person to the effect that body, organization or person will sponsor one student from a particular district/VDC. Such sponsorship cannot be done for a particular person.
The applicants to be eligible for applying in this collaborative scheme, must fulfill all the minimum eligibility criteria mentioned above in the criteria for eligibility section and also must have passed class 8,9 and SLC from a public school and must be permanent resident of said district/VDC. The maximum seats under this scheme will be 20 % of the total number of seats.
The applicants applying in this category can also apply in other categories. Other conditions favoring disadvantaged groups in the spirit of KAHS mission, vision, goals may apply as per negotiation between sponsor and authoritative body of KAHS.
The successful candidates in the entrance examination will be considered one group under this scheme. Among them, candidate with highest score will be selected on the basis of following matrix.
  1. Entrance examination score 60
  2. ANM background 10
  3. Dalit 10
  4. Madeshi 10
  5. Aadbasi/Janajati: 10
Total 100
1. The scholarship under this scheme will be only for remote area “Ka” and “Kha”.
2. The vacant seats in this category will be incorporated to full tuition fee scheme.
E. Full Fee paying Category: The seats under this scheme will be taken as number of seats allotted minus seats taken up by the reserved category and seats remaining from collaborative scheme.