Reserve Scholarship Provision of Government of Nepal

Reserve Scholarship Provision of Government of Nepal
A-Levels 2025

(1) Among the scholarship which is provided to Government of Nepal, Forty-five percent (45%) shall be reserved for the following poor community or person who have passed School Leaving Certificate (SLC) or equivalent level of examination from community school and such percent shall be allocated as the following percent basis for considering the percentage into cent percent.

(a) Twenty-five percent (25%) for those who are economically or socially poor
(b) Thirty-three percent (33%) for women
(c) Two percent (2%) for disabled persons (differently able)
(d) Twenty-seven percent (27%) for janjati
(e) Nine percent (9%) for dalit
(f) Four percent (4%) for person backward or remote area. 

Explanation: For the purpose of this Clause, "person of backward area" means the person who live in Accham, Kalikot, Jajarkot, Jumla, Dolpa, Bajhang, Bajura, Mugu and Humla districts permanently. 

(2) Twenty-five percent reserve seats shall be allocated for the following community or person on the basis of following percent for who are economically and socially poor pursuant to Clause (a) of Subrule (1).

(a) Twenty percent (20%) for Madhesi.
(b) Two percent (2%) for the Muslim community.
(c) Three percent (3%) for the person who has been disappeared or Martyr's family or injured or their family. 

Explanation: For the purpose of this Clause-

(1) "disappeared person or Martyr" means person who have disappeared or have been martyrs for people war conducting the people movement for 2062/63 B.S., Madheshi Movement including other movements made for democracy in the country.
(2) "Insured" means person has been Fifty percent disable according to the definition of the authorized body due to the damage of his/her body or part of body in the course of people's movement in 2062/63.
(3) Out of Thirty Three percent reservation seats to be provided pursuant to Clause (b) of Subrule (1), Three percent shall be served for Dalit community woman, Two percent for Muslim community woman.
(4) Out of Twenty percent reservation seats, to be provided to Madhesi community pursuant
to Clause (a) of Sub-rule (2), Three percent seats shall be reserved for people from Madhesi Dalit community person.
(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in this rule, in case a poor community or person is not available from community school who have passed School Leaving Certificate Examination from, the reservation shall be provided for the person of same community who have passed School Leaving Certificate Examination from the other school of the
(6) In case concerned woman of such community is not available in the quota which is allocated for Dalit community woman and Muslim community woman pursuant to Sub-rule 3, such quota shall be
provided to other woman and in case concerned woman of such community is not available in the quota which is reserved for Madhesi Dalit community, such seats shall be provided for other person of Madhesi community.
(7) While determining percentage pursuant to this Rule, if the number is come after the decimal, it shall be as follows.
(a) Out of the score received after decimal, one who scores highest mark shall receive an additional seat.
(b) If the scored after the decimal is equal, an additional seat shall be provided to the community which has a candidate scoring higher mark in the general merit order.

For example:
While determining the percentage the number is obtained 5.5 percent for woman and 5.2 for disable person, in such condition 6 quota shall be provided for woman and 5 quota for disable.
If case the number is obtained 5.5 percent for woman and 5.5 for disable person, one seat shall be provided for same community who is before in order of qualification.

(8) While distributing seats pursuant to this rule, seats from both general and reserved category shall be made available to the country or educational institution from where scholarship has been received. 
(9) general category and reserved seats to be allocated pursuant to this Rule adjusted every year.
(10) In case application is not available from the group for allocated reserve seat or any candidate is not selected from the group, such seat ipso facto transfer in general group.
(11) Any acts done and action taken concerned with reservation of scholarship at the time of commencement this Rule, shall be deemed to have been done or taken under this rule. 


Recommendation Submission:

(1) Individuals who wish to become candidates in the reserved group must submit the application along with recommendations from the following authorities certifying their eligibility to belong to that particular group:

(a) From the District Administration Office for families of martyrs, families of disappeared individuals, families of war veterans, and individuals from conflict-affected groups in the respective district.

(b) From the Ward Office of the local level where the person with disabilities, Dalits, indigenous people, and ethnic groups such as Khas Arya, Madhesi, Tharu, Muslim, and marginalized communities have resided.

(c) Confirmation from the respective school listed in Schedule 1, validating the study completion at a community school.

(d) When individuals from marginalized areas submit recommendations from the respective local level, they must also provide evidence of permanent residence in the same place at the time of application, and if they do not possess Nepali citizenship acquired from the respective district, they must also submit a birth registration certificate.

(e) Individuals who are war-affected or disabled must also submit an additional recommendation from a registered medical practitioner certifying their capability to study in the relevant field.
