Post-doc Fellowship, PhD Fellowship and M.Phil Masters Scholarships from TU Faculty of Education

Teaching Reinvented




Innovations in Teaching and Learning through Contextualized Approaches to increase

the quality. relevance and sustainability of education in Nepal

Call of Applications for Fellowships & Scholarships

Tribhuvan University Faculty of Education (FOE) with grant support from Norad under the NORHED Project (2017-2021), intends to develop, implement and evaluate school-based interventions using an action research approach with a focus on health education at the basic education level in Nepal. The project is being implemented in partnership with Trlbhuvan University (Nepal), Kathmandu University School of Education (Nepal) and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway). As per the provisions for the year 2017/2018, the project announces two full-lime PhD fellowships, one post-doc fellowship, three M.Phil and two Masters scholarships for Nepali citizens in health education under the central department and constituent campuses of the FOE, TU. Therefore, FOE calls for applications from the suitable candidates for the fellowships and scholarships as per the following terms and conditions.

Post-doc fellowship (2 years)


  • Completed PhD in Health Education/Public Health/Science Education;
  • Should have been awarded PhD at the time of application:
  • Should have published research papers In acdemic journals;
  • Should be based at the Project Office in Kathmandu with frequent travel to the research intervention districts;
  • Highly motivated to work with the project to meeting its objectives:
  • Should work for two years and be highly motivated to engage with communities, conduct action research in schools and publish findings in academic publications:
  • Previous research and teaching experience:
  • Possess a high degree of independence, demonstrated leadership, community engagement and interpersonal skills as well as decision making skills, and
  • Effective time management and ability to work under pressure.

PhD fellowship


  • Completed at least 17.5 years of formal education:
  • M.Phil in Education (with specialization in Health Education) degree or equivalent with a minimum CGPA of 325 out of four-point grading system or 65% in aggregate in previous degree.
  • Should have published research papers in academic journals;
  • Research question/hypothesis
  • Motivated to conduct research in the given areas within the research intervention districts.
  • Female and candidates from the marginalized and disadvantaged groups will be given priority.

M.Phil/Masters scholarships


  • Enrolled in M.Phil in Health Education under FOE, TU in 2017 and writing thesis in Masters in Health Education (Semester or annual system) as a regular student at TU constituent campuses in 2017.
  • Priority will be given to female and candidates representing disadvantaged and marginalized groups.

Priority Research Areas for Masters/ M.Phil/PhD/Post-doc:

The research proposal should not exceed 4000 words and should cover one of the following areas:

  • Contextualization and transformative learning related to water, sanitation and hygiene. environmental conditions, school/ farming, school meal and health of school children and their academic performance.
  • Contextualizing curriculum development of health education/integrated science education to local challenges in basic education with the perspective of transformative and inquiry—based learning and improvement in academic achievement.
  • Promoting wisdom based/contemplative education for sustainable environment and development.
  • Management of menstrual hygiene by in-school and out of school adolescent girls.
  • Interrelationship among human diseases, animal diseases and environment.
  • Participatory and sustainable strategies for improved water, sanitation and hygiene in school and communities.
  • Use of ICT in behavior change communication and promotion of health and sanitation-1 behaviors among children.

The outline of the research proposal should include a description of:

  • Background & rationale for the study
  • Research questions/hypothesis
  • Literature review & theoretical understanding
  • Research methods
  • Data management and analysis
  • References
  • Time plan

Deadline for Application : 10th April , 2017

Interview & Presentation of Research Proposal : 17th April, 2017

Application including CV,research proposal, copy of certificate of highest education degree and two references can be submitted to NORHED Project office in person or can be mailed to

For detail Information on the fellowship/scholarship please contact:
Dean's Office, Faculty of Education

Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal Tel : 01-4331196, Email: An open house will be conducted on 24th March 2017 (11th Chaitra 2073 BS) from 11.00 AM to 1.00 PM at the project office, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, located at the building of the Graduate School of Education. TU.