OWSD PhD Fellowships

OWSD PhD Fellowships
Teaching Reinvented

The OWSD Fellowship is offered to women scientists from science- and technology-lagging countries (STLCs) for PhD research in Engineering, IT, and natural sciences at a host institute in another developing country. 

The program is run with generous funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and is delivered in collaboration with host institutes around the world.

The fellowship program's overall goal is to support the development of a new generation of female leaders in science and technology, as well as their effective participation in their nations' scientific and technological growth. 

The specific aims of the fellowship program are:

  • To improve young and brilliant women graduates from STLCs' access to educational and training opportunities in science and technology.
  • To Increase Women scientists' scientific productivity and innovation in STLCs.
  • To encourage a new generation of bright women to pursue careers in science and technology as leaders.
  • To encourage female scientists to contribute to their native countries' long-term development.
  • To enable women scientists from the South to collaborate and network, on a regional and international level.


The OWSD PhD Fellowship is offered only to women candidates.

  • Candidates must confirm that they intend to return to their home country as soon as possible after the completion of the fellowship.
  • Eligible countries

The list of eligible countries is also available here.

  1. Agricultural Sciences
  2. Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
  3. Biological Systems and Organisms
  4. Chemical Sciences
  5. Computing and Information Technology
  6. Engineering Sciences
  7. Mathematical Sciences
  8. Medical and Health Sciences
  9. Neurosciences
  10. Physics
  11. Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology

The OWSD PhD Fellowships are granted for PhD studies in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Applications for PhD studies in the Social sciences, Humanities, Arts, or others are NOT eligible.

  • Eligible academic qualification

The minimum qualification is an MSc degree in one of the above-listed study fields.

  • Eligible host institutes

  1. Host institutes must be located in a developing country in the South (not the candidate's home country).
  2. A list of recommended institutes is available here.
  3. Other institutes, not included in the link above, will also be considered if they demonstrate appropriate resources and expertise.
  4. Candidates should identify a host institute outside their home country. They can identify a further two host institutes if desired.
  5. Candidates who are already on-site in the host country will not usually be considered eligible.

An applicant, at the time of application, must NOT have an active research grant or fellowship with The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) or have already submitted an application for a TWAS program within the same given year. Only one application per year is possible across all TWAS and OWSD programs. An exception is made only for the head of an institution who invites an external scholar to share his/her expertise under the TWAS Visiting Professor programs; she may still apply for another program.

Important Links

Further Details

Application Form