Application Open for Himal Media Fellowship Programme 2023

A-Levels 2025

The Himalmedia fellowship programme 2023-2024 offers five early-career journalists from underrepresented backgrounds in Nepal the opportunity to train, get educated and gather experience in journalism with a team of academic experts in various related subjects and the Himalmedia team. This two-year paid fellowship programme is supported by the International Fund for Public Interest Media, a sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.

Fellows will have the opportunity to research and write stories, to contribute to Himalmedia platforms, and to create content on current issues in Nepal and the world. The fellowship presents a promising possibility of furthering their careers in journalism among professionals in the industry.

Young journalists from backgrounds underrepresented in terms of ethnicity, caste, geography, gender or religion are encouraged to apply.

Application closes on the 4th of January, 2023.

Click here to apply.


  • Bachelors in Mass Communications or related fields: eg. sociology, political science, law, economics, history, literature and languages
  • Native fluency in Nepali
  • Intermediate level of English
  • Age limit up to 30 years
  • Experience in journalism preferred but not required
  • Must be from a community underrepresented in Nepal media in terms of gender, ethnicity, caste, religion, or geography


  • A competitive salary
  • Level one basic journalism education via lectures, multimedia materials and self-study tutorials throughout a two year fellowship
  • The education programme is designed according to a problem-based learning approach, with the aim to expand the participants’ depth of knowledge in journalism and the role of the journalist in the modern world
  • Training in content creating, editing applications, publishing, social media platforms and modern journalism in practice
  • Two years of journalism experience, working with senior staff at Himalmedia in English and Nepali being a part of the newsrooms
  • Mentorship by senior journalists at Himalmedia
  • Possibility of the furthering of employment contract with Himalmedia after two years, pending evaluation


  • Complete all assigned readings and prepare for lectures
  • Complete given assignments as a part of the training
  • Three individual features (long-form article + multimedia package) produced over the course of the two-year period under the supervision of the mentor assigned
  • Contribution of short articles and multimedia content for Himalmedia platforms throughout the fellowship
  • A minimum of 85% attendance


  • A current CV including educational background and relevant work experience
  • A writing sample in Nepali or English
  • A completed questionnaire
  • A recent color photograph


Please write an essay of no more than 1000 words on one of the following topics in Nepali or English:

  • Your view point in current electoral system of Nepal
  • A human interest story from Nepal current affairs
  • A cultural piece on one of the festivals celebrated in Nepal

OR, Provide a writing sample published under your byline or an assignment essay submitted to your university as part of your higher studies.

Click here to apply.
