Fulbright Foreign Student (Master's) Program 2026-27

Open From: February 05, 2025
Until: March 15, 2025
Fulbright Foreign Student (Master's) Program 2026-27

The U.S. Educational Foundation in Nepal (USEF-Nepal or the Fulbright Commission) announces the 2026-27 competition for the Fulbright Foreign Student Program for Nepali students for Master’s level study in the US.

Those chosen will commence their program during the fall of 2026. This initiative covers all costs for a Master’s degree program lasting up to two years at designated U.S. universities, encompassing all fields except Medicine and Nursing.

Women, minorities, people with disabilities, or otherwise disadvantaged candidates and individuals with limited prior international exposure are encouraged to apply.

The Fulbright Program stands as the flagship international educational and cultural exchange initiative of the U.S. government, fostering connections in a dynamic and evolving global landscape. Subject to budget considerations, around four nominees will be selected by the Fulbright Committee in Nepal for the FFSP. The chosen individuals will commence their program in the fall of 2026.


SN February 1, 2025 Fulbright Foreign Student Program Application opens
1 April 30, 2025 Application closes at 23:59 Eastern Time
2 June, 2025 Interviews
3 July-September, 2025 Selected candidates take TOEFL and GRE tests
4 Fall 2026 Selected candidates start their program in the U.S.

Documents Required

Application Section Documents required
Academic and Professional Information CV- no more than 2 pages long (See CV format)
Academic Materials Attested* copies of Diplomas/Certificates and Mark sheets/Transcripts (arranged in a reverse chronological order; the most recent at the top and the oldest at the bottom; starting from Graduate, Undergraduate and College.
Unattested academic materials will not be considered
Test Scores TOEFL or IELTS and GRE test score reports (This is not mandatory for the application process)
Study Plan (each essay should be maximum 2 pages or no more than 1500 words) See Study Objective and Personal Statement Guidelines
Study/Research Objective
Personal Statement
Writing Sample (Often required for study in the Humanities or Social Sciences)
Travel Plans Citizenship, National ID or Passport scan
Additional Information-Country Specific Attested SLC/SEE Certificate and Mark sheet
Unattested academic materials will not be considered
Additional Information- Additional Documents Work sample (Often required for study in the Arts or Art-related fields as well as in Communication and/or Journalism)
Recommendations 3 Recommendations: professional and academic references from instructors, professors or work supervisors who know you well

Documents for attestation can be dropped off from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at USEF-Nepal office. You must submit all original academic documents listed below along with clear photocopies. Make sure to photocopy the backside information of your mark sheets.

  1. SLC/SEE: mark sheet and certificate
  2. +2: mark sheet and provisional certificate
  3. Bachelor/Master: TU transcript (if degree is from KU/PU then individual grade sheets are required as well) and provisional certificate.

General Requirements for Entering the Program

  • Citizenship: Must be a Nepali citizen and current resident.
  • Work Experience: At least 3 years of post-bachelor’s full-time, professional work in Nepal in a field relevant to the proposed study. Professional recommenders must verify employment details.
  • Education:
    • Minimum 16 years of education: A four-year bachelor’s degree or a bachelor’s plus a Master’s to meet the 16-year requirement.
    • Ineligible: Three-year bachelor’s degree holders without completing a full Master’s, or multiple shorter bachelor’s degrees without a Master’s.
  • Academic Performance:
    • 60% aggregate or 3.0 GPA system
  • English Proficiency (ONLY required once shortlisted): Must demonstrate sufficient proficiency. TOEFL (100+) or GRE scores per subject matter/major requirements. Past valid test scores may be accepted.
  • Visa Eligibility: Must qualify for a non-immigrant J-1 U.S. visa and not hold or be pursuing a U.S. immigrant visa.
  • Submission: Applications must be completed online; no hard copies accepted.
  • *All grantees receive an exchange visitor (J-1) visa which requires that the individuals return to Nepal upon completion of their academic program. Grantees are not eligible for an immigrant visa, for permanent residence, or for a non-immigrant visa as a temporary worker (“H” visa) or trainee, or as an intra-company transferee (“L” visa) to re-enter the U.S. until they have accumulated two years’ residence in Nepal after returning from the U.S. on an exchange visitor visa. This does not preclude the individual from going to the U.S. on other visas during the two-year period.

  • Applications and materials must be submitted through the online system. No hard copies will be accepted


  • Individuals living, studying or working outside of Nepal
  • Individuals holding U.S. degree/s already. Preference will be given to those without prior U.S. or foreign experience
  • Individuals who have previously resided in the U.S. for six months or more during the preceding five years prior to the application submission deadline
  • Individuals with, or in the process of obtaining, U.S. citizenship or U.S. permanent resident status
  • Employees of USEF-Nepal and local employees of U.S. Mission in Nepal who work for the U.S. Department of State, and their spouses and dependent children are ineligible for grants during the period of their employment and for one year following the termination of employment
  • Individuals applying for a degree in Medicine and Nursing

To learn more about the program, join on the Question & Answer session and Information Session organized virtually. 

Application Form Instructions

  • Read these instructions carefully. Complete the application carefully and correctly and submit within the deadline. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. The application forms from previous years should not be used, nor the questions asked in the application, especially on the electronic version, deleted or altered.
  • All responses, including dates, in the application must be in English. Double check for correct spelling and grammar. Write “Not Applicable” or “N/A” in places where the information requested is not applicable to you.
  • For question no. 4, your proposed field of study must be a recognized discipline for advanced study, not a professional job specialty.
  • Under “name of degree” clearly state I.A., I.Sc., I.Com., B.A., B.Com., etc., so we know exactly which degrees you have received. Give the name and location of the schools, colleges or universities from which you graduated. For major subject, give your major field. Do not list all the subjects you studied. The duration of the course is the number of years the course is supposed to run; not how many years it took you to complete the degree. Check an appropriate box next to the duration (or write the duration in the given box if it is different from the available options); and also mention in one of the columns whether the degree was completed under the semester system or yearly system. You should not convert your grades from GPA to percentage figures, if the normal grading system at your place of study is GPA/CGPA, and your GPA or percentage figures should not be rounded up.
  • Give a description of your employment, including job title and your job duties. (ONLY 3-5 main responsibilities)
  • Your statement of purpose and personal essay must not only include excellent content but also be well structured, effectively organized, properly punctuated, and smoothly written. Many candidates are eliminated because of weak essays! Each essay should be no longer than the space provided. (Remember, longer is not necessarily better.) Please see the Tips for Excellent EssaysAny plagiarism detected in any part of the application will result in immediate ineligibility.
  • For more application instructions, visit HERE.


Contact Details
Contact: 01-5907008, 9851123258, 9863026750  
Email: fulbcomm@fulbrightnepal.org.np 
Facebook: @fulbright.nepal