Erasmus Mundus Europe Asia (EMEA) Scholarship Programme

Open From: April 05, 2014
Until: April 05, 2014
This scholarship/grant is closed.
Teaching Reinvented

Erasmus Mundus Europe Asia (EMEA)is a scholarship programme for students on undergraduate, master, doctoral and post-doctoral level as well as for university staff in academic or administrative positions, financed by the European Commission.

The EMEA Scholarship Programme is open to nationals in Bangladesh, China, India, Nepal and Pakistan who want to study or work at one of the European partner universities.

The on-line application is open between October 15 - December 1, 2011. 

The project is coordinated by Lund University (Sweden)

The scholarship

The Erasmus Mundus Europe Asia (EMEA) scholarship offers a unique opportunity for full-financed academic mobility for individuals from the Asian partner countries. The project is part of the large-scale, EU-funded programme Erasmus Mundus Action 2.

Before you apply, carefully study the menu items to the left to identify

1. Which Target Group you belong to
2. Which Mobility Group you are eligible to apply to
3. Your desired Academic field of study or academic/administrative activity during the mobility period. Make sure that you have the requested eligibility for the course or programme you are applying for
4. Your desired Destination for the mobility period 

The scholarship ONLY covers academic mobility FROM Bangladesh/China/India/Nepal/Pakistan (nationals of these countries) TO Europe. The EMEA scholarship covers: Return ticket; A monthly subsistence allowance; Full insurance coverage; And tuition fees.

Target groups

The EMEAscholarships are aimed at three so-called Target groups. Identify which Target group you belong to before applying, and note that not all Mobility types are available within all Target groups.

Note: If you have resided or carried out your main activity (studies, work, etc) for more than a total of 12 months overthe last five years in a EU/EEA country you are not eligible to apply for thisscholarship.

Target group 1
Nationals of Bangladesh, China, India, Nepal or Pakistan, registered at one ofthe Asian partner universities atthe time of application. Undergraduate students must have completed at least one year of studies at a higher education institution atthe time of application, not necessarily from one ofthe Asian partner universities.

Open to: Undergraduate, master, PhD, post-doctorate and staff applicants

Target group 2
Nationals of Bangladesh, China, India, Nepal or Pakistan, who are registered at a higher education institution not included inthe EMEA partnership in one ofthe Asian partner countries or who have obtained a university degree or equivalent in one ofthese countries. If you have obtained your degree from one ofthe Asian partner universities, but are not currently registered at any of those, you belong to target group 2.

Open to: Master and PhD applicants
Note! There is only exchangescholarships for a maximum of 9 months available for Target Group 2 PhD applicants (no full degreescholarships). Thus, you must already be registered in a PhD programme, in order to be eligible to apply for a Target group 2 PhDscholarship.  

Target group 3
General definition: Nationals of one ofthe Asian partner countries who are in particularly vulnerable situations, for social and political reasons. A proof ofthe target group 3 status must be submitted tothe application. Undergraduate students must have completed at least one year of studies intheir home institution.The target group 3 status should be proved with some kind of official/certified document.

Open to: Undergraduate and master applicants

Mobility Groups /Academic Level

Before youapply, identify which Mobility Group you would like to carry out the mobility under. Inaddition to the criteria listed below,all universitiesapply their own rules foradmission to programmesandactivities. Exchange students need to transfer the credits earned during the mobility period, into their degreeat the home university.

Mobility 1 - Undergraduate level
Exchange scholarships for maximum 9months (1-2academic semesters)areavailable (no scholarships for full degree) for target groups 1and 3.

To be eligible foran undergraduate scholarship you must have completedat least one yearof university studiesalready. Youalso need to fulfil theadmission requirements for the course/programme youareapplying for.

Mobility 2 - Master's level
Full degreeand exchange scholarships for 1-4academic semesters (maximum 22months)areavailable forall target groups.

To be eligible fora scholarshipat Master's level you must have finisheda Bachelor's degree (BA) or have other equivalent background. If you have not yet obtained your BA degree you may still be eligible, but you must submita document showing the expected date for your BA-degree to be issued. The originalof the Diploma shall be displayed to your host university uponadmission. You need to study each partner university's website concerning the Master programmes' special requirements.All exchange scholarship holders on Master's level must be enrolled ina Master's programmeat their home university.

Mobility 3 - PhD level
For target group 1, full degreeand exchange scholarships for 1-6academic semesters (maximum 34months)areavailable. For target group 2 only exchange scholarships for maximum 9monthsareavailable, for students whoarealready registered ina PhD programme. No scholarshipsareavailable for target group 3 in this mobility group.

To be eligible fora scholarship for PhD studies you must have finished your Bachelor's degree (BA)and/or Master's degree (MA)and fulfil the requirements for the programme youapply for. You mayalso have starteda PhD programmeat your home university,and onlyapply fora shorter periodabroad.All exchange scholarship holders on PhD level must be enrolled ina PhD programmeat their home university.

Note: Some partner universities require that you have finished your Master's degree in order to be eligible for PhD studies. You need to check each partner university's requirements.

Mobility 4 - Post-Doctoral level
Target group 1 only.All scholarshipsare for 1-2academic semesters (maximum 9months).

To be eligible fora post-doctorate scholarship you must holda PhD. Some universitiesapply rules that the PhD should not beachieved longer than 2 or 5 yearsago, please check the requirementsat the host university.

Mobility 5 -AcademicandAdministrative Staff
Target group 1 only.All scholarshipsare for 1 month.  

To be eligible foran academic staff scholarship you must workat oneof the partner universities. You should be fully integrated into the department or facultyof the host institution during the mobility. For yourapplication to be correctlyassessed, you shall providea preliminary work plan andalso the nameof the department you wish to visit including the nameofa contact person there. Please contact the partner university if you needassistance to findan appropriate group/department.

To be eligible foran administrative staff scholarship you must holdan administrative positionat your home university. The mobility shall be used foradministrative developments in the lineof the programme objectives.

The objectivesofacademicandadministrative staff mobilityare:

• to provide university staff with opportunities for professionaland personal development, through the possibilityof doing practical training, research or teachingassignments ina partner institution
• to encourage universities to broadenand enrich the rangeand contentof courses theyoffer
• toallow students to benefit from the knowledgeand expertiseofacademic staff from universities participating in the partnership
• to consolidate links between institutions in different countries
• to promote exchangeof expertiseand experience on pedagogical methods
• to strengthen the capacity for international cooperation
• to prepare long-term recognitionof studies between institutions through ECTS (European credit transfer system) or other compatible systems.

Note that thereare no pre-definedoffers foradministrative staff in theapplication database. You need to contact your desired host university to specify your interests,and then use subject code 16.9 (OtherAreasof Study) toapply.

Academic fields

Most of the EMEA partner universities are comprehensive universities or specialized technical institutions. All universities are strong research universities and the partnership aims to cover all thematic fields.

Available fields of study 

Not all fields of study at each university are available to apply for within EMEA. Only those marked with "info", are available to apply for. Note that PhD (exchange), Post-Doc and Staff applicants may hand in an "open application" in other subjects than those available above to some of the partner universities, by using subject code 16.9 (Other Areas of Study) when applying for the university/subject of your choice. Doing so you need to submit a learning agreement/work plan and a document describing the ongoing or intended cooperation between you and the host university, including information about contact person and department which you intend to visit.

If you have any questions regarding theacademic offers and specific requirements for courses/programmes, please contact the European partner university that you are interested in.


The scholarship can be granted for studies/research/teaching or otheracademic/administrative activities at oneof the partner universities in Europe that are listed below. Note thatthe scholarship does NOT cover activities at other universities than those inthe list below.

More details and links tothe EMEA partners are available under 'Partner universities' inthe top menu.

Lund University, Sweden
University College Dublin, Ireland
University College London, Great Britain
Universityof Amsterdam,The Netherlands
Universityof Milan, Italy
Aristotle Universityof Thessaloniki, Greece
Universityof Warsaw, Poland
University Pierre and Marie Curie, France

Rates and duration

The EMEAscholarship covers

1. Round trip flight ticket
2. A monthly subsistence allowance (ratesbelow)
3. Full insurance coverage - health, travel, accident.
4. Tuition fees, if applied atthe host university

The minimum and maximum number of months covered bythe scholarship, andthe rates for monthly subsistence allowances are listedbelow. Note thatthe mobility period may varybetween different target groups (see Target Groups for more detailed information).


Undergraduate: 1-2 academic semesters (maximum 9 months)
Master: 1-4 academic semesters (maximum 22 months)
PhD: 1-6 academic semesters (maximum 34 months)
Post-doc: 1-2 academic semesters (maximum 9 months)
Staff: 1 month

Monthly rate

Undergraduate: € 1 000/month
Master: € 1 000/month
PhD: € 1 500/month
Post-doc: € 1 800/month
Staff: € 2 500/month

Number ofscholarships

The scholarships are divided on Target groups, Mobility groupsand country of origin (budget group) according tothe table inthe table below. Note that it is your nationality (Passport/ID) that determines which budget group you belong to, notthe country where you are residing.


*Budget group A: Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan
**Budget group B: China, India