Asian Development Bank - Japan Scholarship Program

Open From: April 05, 2014
Until: April 05, 2014
This scholarship/grant is closed.
Teaching Reinvented

Asian Development Bank - Japan Scholarship Program

Qualified citizens of developing member countries of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), who intend to pursue postgraduate studies in economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related fields, are invited to apply for scholarships under  The Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP). Up on successful completion of the graduate program, the scholars are expected to return to their country and contribute to its socioeconomic development. Scholarships are awarded for graduate studies at designated institutions in courses of study approved by ADB. The program especially welcomes qualified women applicants who have limited financial means to obtain university education.

The Scholarships:
Level of Education: Postgraduate (diploma, masters, and doctorate degrees)

Duration: 1 to 2 Years

Coverage: Tuition fees, subsistence allowance (including housing), books, medical insurance, economy airfare, and research subsidy.

Who is eligible to join the program?

The program is open to nationals of an ADB borrowing member country who have gained admission to an approved MA/PhD course at an academic institution. Candidates should not be more than 35 years old, in good health, with a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent with superior academic record. The candidate should agree to return to his/her home country after completion of studies under the Program.


Eligibility Requirements:
     Prospective applicants must have: 
  1. be a citizen of an ADB developing member country,
  2. have at least 2 years work experience
  3. have gained admission to a approved course in a designated institution
  4. be proficient in oral and written English communication skills
  5. be in good health
  6. not more than 35 years old at the time of application (Staff of ADB and the designated institutions and their close relatives are not eligible to apply)
Application Requirements:
Applicants should obtain application forms from the designated institutions of their choice and submit the completed form and required documentation to the Institution.
Applicants should indicate on the application form that they wish to be considered for an Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program.
ADB will select the scholars from among those admitted by the institutions.
A separate application to ADB is not necessary.

List of Academic Institutions:

The ADB-JSP enrolls about 300 students annually in 27 academic institutions located in 10 countries within the Region. Upon completion of their study programs, scholars are expected to contribute to the economic and social development of their home countries.


Institution Approved Field of Study Normal Month of Intake / Deadline of Application

Crawford School of Economics and Government (National Centre for Development Studies)/The Australian National University
ANU College of Asia & the Pacific
J G Crawford Building (132)
- (at Old Canberra House site)
Lennox Crossing, ACTON Australia
(Attn: Liaison Officer)

Ms. Billie Headon
Director, Student Recruitment, Scholarships, and Alumni

Tel. No.: +612 6125 3914
Fax. No.: +612 6125 5570

Master/Doctorate in

  1. International and Development Economics
  2. Public Policy (Development Administration)
  3. Environmental Management & Development
  4. Infrastructure Management

Intake: January / June

Deadline: July / February

The University of Melbourne
Parkville Victoria, 3010 Australia
(Attn: Melbourne Scholarships Office)

Ms. Ellen Gavva
Senior Scholarships Officer
Melbourne Scholarships Office

Tel. No.: +613 8344 6322
Fax. No.: +613 8344 3734

Masters by Coursework in

  1. Business Administration
  2. Commerce
  3. Commerce (Finance)
  4. Economics
  5. Engineering
  6. International Business
  7. Public Health
  8. Agribusiness, Agricultural Sciences, and Forest Science

Intake: March / July

Deadline: September / March


Hong Kong, China

Name and Address of Institution Approved Field of Study Normal Month of Intake / Deadline of Application

The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, China
(Attn: Administrative Assistant, Research Services Section, Registry)

Mr. Eric Chu
Executive Officer, Academic Support and Admissions Section, Registry

Tel. No.: +852 2241 5262
Fax. No.: +852 2858 5454

Master of Science in

  1. Urban Planning
  2. Urban Design

Intake: September

Deadline: January / May



Name and Address of Institution Approved Field of Study Normal Month of Intake / Deadline of Application

Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi, 110 016 India
(Attn: The Registrar)

Mr. K.P. Singh
Deputy Registrar (PGS&R)

Tel. No.: +91 11 2659 1737
Fax. No.: +91 11 2658 2032

Master of Technology in Science and Technology

Intake: July

Deadline: December



Name and Address of Institution Approved Field of Study Normal Month of Intake / Deadline of Application

Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University
Furo-cho Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
(Attn: Dean, Graduate School of International Development)

Ms. Sunate Kampeeraparb
Associate Professor and International Student Advisor
Graduate School of International Development

Tel. No.: +81-0-52-789-5079
Fax. No.: +81-0-52-789-4951

  1. Master of Arts in International Development
  2. Master of Arts in International Cooperation Studies

Intake: April

Deadline: July

7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
(Attn: Foreign Student Office)
Graduate School of Public Policy

MPP/IP Admissions Office

Tel. No.: +813-5841-1349
Fax. No.: +813-5841-3190 (For inquiries only - not for submission of applications)

  1. Master of Public Policy, International Program

Intake: September

Deadline: January

Faculty of Law

Admission Office of the LL.M. Program

Graduate School of Law

  1. Global Governance and Corporations
  2. Economic and Business Law in Asia
  3. Innovation and the Law
  4. Fundamental Perspectives on Economic and Business Law


Deadline: January

Hitotsubashi University
School of International and Public Policy
2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo, Japan 101-8439

Ms. Yuri Okamoto
Program Manager
Asian Public Policy Program

Tel. No.: +81-3-4212-3145
Fax. No.: +81-3-4212-3146

School of International and Public Policy

  1. Asian Public Policy Program


Intake: October

Deadline: April

International University of Japan
Graduate School Of International Relations
777 Kokusai-cho, Minami Uonuma-shi
Niigata-ken 949-7277, Japan
(Attn: Office of GSIR)

Ms. Nobuko Komiyama
Administrative Staff
Office of Student Services

Tel. No.: +8125 779 1200
Fax. No.: +8125 779 1188

  1. Master of Arts in International Relations
  2. Master of Arts in International Development
  3. Master of Arts in Economics
  4. Master of Arts in Public Management

Intake: September

Deadline: February

Kyushu University
Faculty of Agriculture
6-10-1, Hakozaki Higashi-ku
Fukuoka 812-8581 Japan

Admission Office of International Programs
Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences

Tel. No.: +81 92 642 7351 | +81 92 642 2815
Fax. No.: +81 92 642 2144 | +81 92 642 2817

Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences

  1. Bioresources Sciences
  2. Agro-Environmental Sciences
  3. Agricultural and Resource Economics
  4. Bioscience and Biotechnology

Intake: October

Deadline: November

University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo
113-8656, Japan
(Attn: Foreign Student Office)

Prof. Hitoshi Ieda
Professor of Civil Engineering & Foreign Student Officer

Tel. No.: +813 5841 6141
Fax. No.: +813 5841 8509

  1. Master/Doctorate in Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Development

Intake: October

Deadline: December

University of Tsukuba
Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan 305-8573/p>

Ms. Maiko Araki
Program Officer
Program in Economic and Public Policy Management

Tel. No.: +81-29-853-6785
Fax. No.: +81-29-853-6785

  1. Master of Arts in Economics
  2. Master of Arts in International Public Policy

Intake: April

Deadline: August

Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of International Development Engineering
2-12-1 I4-4 O-okayama, Meguro-ku
Tokyo 152-8550, Japan

Naoya Abe, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of International Development Engineering

Tel./Fax.: No. +81-3-5734-3797

Master of Engineering in International Development Engineering

Intake: April and/or October, depending on the availability of the scholarship

Deadline: April intake: early November October intake: early April to late May

Kobe University
Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies
2-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku
Kobe 657-8501 Japan

Prof. Nobuaki Matsunaga
Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies

Tel. No.: +81 78 803-7267
Fax. No.: +81 78 803-7295

  1. Economic Development and Policies
  2. International Cooperation Policy Studies
  3. Regional Cooperation Studies

Intake: October

Deadline: early January

Department of Civil Engineering
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
(Attn: Foreign Student Office)

Assoc. Prof. Nobuaki Ohmori Associate Professor & Foreign Student Offcer
Department of Urban Engineering

Tel. No.: +813 5841 6241
Fax. No.: +813 5841 8556

  1. Master/Doctorate in Urban Engineering

Intake: October

Deadline: November

Saitama University
255 Shimo-Okubo, Sakura-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama 338-8570, Japan
(Attn: The Registrar, The Foreign Student Office)
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Ms. Naoko Nakasone
Administrative Assistant
Foreign Student Office

Tel./Fax. No.: +81 48 858 3555

Master/Doctorate in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Intake: April/October

Deadline: October/December

Institute of Environmental Studies
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
(Attn: Director, School of International Health)
Graduate School of Medicine

Prof. Masamine Jimba
Professor, Department of International Cummunity Health
School of International Health
Graduate School of Medicine

Tel. No.: +813 5841 3688
Fax. No.: +813 5841 3637

  1. Master/Doctorate in Public Health (International Health)

Intake: April

Deadline: May

National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8677 Japan
(Attn: Admissions Office)

Mr. Hideki Maki
Program Coordinator
Academic & Student Affairs

Tel. No.: +8103 6439 6045
Fax. No.: +8103 6439 6040

Master in

  1. Public Policy
  2. Public Administration

Intake: October

Deadline: December

Graduate School of International Management
777 Kokusai-cho, Minami Uonuma-shi
Niigata-ken 949-7277, Japan
(Attn: Office of GSIM)


Tel. No.: +8125 779 1500
Fax. No.: +8125 779 1188

  1. Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  2. Master of E-Business Management

Intake: September

Deadline: February

Graduate School of Economics Ritsumeikan University
1-1-1 Nojihigashi, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577 Japan
(Attn: Manager, Office of International Education at Biwako Kusatsu Campus)

Ms. Kiyoko Tanaka
Assistant Administrative Manager

Tel. No.: +8177 561-3946 ext 515-7828
Fax. No.: +8177 561-3956

Master in Economics

Intake: September

Deadline: January

Department of Urban Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering
Kashiwa International Office
Building of Environmental Studies
Rm #124, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa City
Chiba 277-8653, Japan

Assoc. Prof. Hiroyasu Sato
Associate Professor & Foreign Student Officer
The Institute of Environmental Studies

Tel. No.: +814 7136 4558
Fax. No.: +814 7136 4559

  1. Master/Doctorate in Environment Studies
  2. Master/Doctorate in International Studies
  3. Master in Sustainability Science

Intake: October

Deadline: December

Graduate School of Economics, Keio University
2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 108-8345 Japan

Prof. Fukunari Kimura
E-mail: |

Tel. No.: +81-3-5427-1556
Fax. No.: +81-3-5427-1559

Master of Arts in Economics

Intake: April

Deadline: June

International Graduate Programs on Advanced Science and Technology, Keio University
3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku,
Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken 223-8522, Japan
(Attn: Chairman, Committee for International Affairs)

Prof.Shinnosuke Obi
Committee for International Affairs, and ADB-JSP Coordinator
Faculty of Science and Technology

Tel. No.: +81-45-566-1468
Fax. No.: +81-45-566-1469

International Graduate Program on Advanced Science and Technology

  • Nanoscience Program
  • Electronics and Photonics Program
  • Mechanics and Manufacturing Program
  • Computer Science and Communication Technology Program
  • Environment and Multi-Scale Dynamics Program
  • Biomedical Engineering Program
  • Open Systems Management Program

Intake: September

Deadline: November

Graduate School of System Design and Management, Keio University
4-1-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama,
Kanagawa 223-8526 Japan

Prof. Kenichi Takano

Tel. No.: +81-45-564-2518
Fax. No. +81-45-562-3502

  1. Master of Systems Engineering
  2. PhD of Systems Engineering
  3. Master of Systems Design and Management
  4. PhD of Systems Design and Management

Intake: September

Deadline: January

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
1-1 Jumonjibaru, Beppu-shi
Oita Prefecture 874-8577, Japan

Mr. Mitsuru Hitomi
Manager, APU Admissions Office

Tel. No.: +81-977-78-1119
Fax. No.: +81-977-78-1121

Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies

  1. Master of Science in Asia Pacific Studies
  2. Master of Science in International Cooperation Policy

Intake: October/April

Deadline: April/October


New Zealand

Name and Address of Institution Approved Field of Study Normal Month of Intake / Deadline of Application

The University of Auckland
International Office,
University of Auckland
7 Symonds Street,
Auckland, New Zealand
Private Bag 92019 Auckland, New Zealand
(Attn: International Admissions/Scholarships)

Ms. Djhoanna Sto Tomas
International Officer - Asia
Auckland International

Tel. No.: +64 9 373 7599 ext. 87996
Fax. No.: +64 9 373 7405

  1. Master in International Business
  2. Master of Commerce (International Business)
  3. Master of Arts (Development Studies)
  4. Master of Science (Environmental Science)
  5. Master/Doctorate in Engineering
  6. Master of Public Health

Intake: February

Deadline: July



Name and Address of Institution Approved Field of Study Normal Month of Intake / Deadline of Application

Lahore University of Management Sciences
Opposite Sector "U", DHA
Lahore Cantt. Lahore 54792, Pakistan
(Attn: Student and Alumni Affairs)

Mr. Furqan M. Saleem
Head of Department
Administrative Services
Suleman Dawood School of Business (SDSB)

Tel. No.: +9242 572 2670 to 79
Fax. No.: +9242 572 2591

Master in Business Administration

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