Announcement for Application to participation in the Bharat-Nepal Shiksha Maitri Karyakaram

Teaching Reinvented

Bharat-Nepal Shiksha Maitri Karyakaram is a short term course for undergraduate and post graduate students that aims at promoting awareness on different facets of life in India and the progress made by the country in various fields. Last year, the first batch of 19 students visited India hosted by Calcutta University from 1st November to 26th November, 2014. This year the second batch for 30 students would be accommodated by Banaras Hindu University under this program.


  1. The participating students should be either doing final year of under graduate degree/Bachelor level or studying in Post graduate (Master's Level) or equivalent in any discipline.
  2. The participants should have 75% minimum aggregate mark from Science and Technical stream and 60% from other streams.
  3. For Post graduate students, aggregate marks achieved in Bachelor level shown in transcript is taken and those who are studying in the final year of Bachelor, average of previous  years/semesters in bachelor levels result is calculated.
  4. Applicants for the programme should not have participated in any such previous programme offered in India by any other organization funded by Government of India.


  1. Of the total quota, 55% is allocated for open and 45%  is for reservation. (And out of 45% which is taken as 100% and allocated to; 33% Female, 27% Janajati, 22% Madeshi, 9% Dalit, 5% Disables and 4% for geographically remote candidates).
  2. If sufficient students are not selected in allocated stream, left over quota will be transferred equally to other streams and if students could not be selected in different reservation quotas as per above allocation, remaining quotas will be transferred to open merit quotas.

Last Date of Application Submission: 11 October 2015 (Ashoj 24, 2072) within the office hours. Applicants should submit their related documents (Citizenship, Approved Certificate for inclusion group, transcript of bachelor level for master level students and previous years/semester mark sheets for bachelor final year's students and identity card of campus) directly to scholarship section at Kesharmahal, Kathmandu.

Only short listed candidates will be called for an interview. 

The steering committee reserves the right to select the participants as per approved criteria. The selection procedure will be completed by the end of November and the program will be held for the second batch in India in December 2015/January 2016 at Banaras Hindu University.


Application form for Nepal-Bharat Maiktri Shiksha Karyakram.docx