TU IOE MSc Entrance Syllabus for Electronics and Computer Engineering (EC) Stream


February 09, 2023
Sr. Content Writer

EC is the entrance stream for the following programs:

  1. Information & Communication Engineering
  2. Technology and Innovation Management
  3. Disaster Risk Management
  4. Computer System and Knowledge Engineering
  5. Climate Change and Development
  6. Material Science and Engineering
  7. Communication and Knowledge Engineering 
  8. Applied Mathematics
  9. Informatics and Intelligent Systems Engineering
  10. Computer Engineering Specialization in Data Science and Analytics
  11. Information System Engineering 

The M.Sc. Entrance examination will be “Computer Based Examination” of two hours duration, consisting of two sections. Section- A consists of 45 questions for 50 marks. While Section-B consists of a stream specialized course with 50 questions of 1 mark each. Each question will be of objective type with multiple choice answers, and a negative marking for each wrong answer is 10%.

Section-A (view details here)


1.    Electrical Circuit and System    [5]
•    Ohms law, Kirchhoff’s laws
•    The venin's Norton's and maximum power transform theorem
•    Active, reactive and apparent power (single & three-phase) and resonance
•    Transient and steady state analysis, pole zero plots. two-port parameters.
2.    Electronics Circuit and System    [10]
•    Integrated circuit technology and device models
•    Operational Amplifier circuits
•    Operational Amplifier characterization
•    Power supplies and voltage regulators
•    Untuned and tuned amplifiers
•    Oscillator circuits
•    Digital-to-Analog (DAC) and Analog-to-Digital (ADC) conversion
•    Instrumentation and isolation amplifiers 
•    Operational amplifier-bipolar transistor logarithmic amplifiers
•    Log-antilog circuit application
•    Communication circuits
•    Switched power supplies
•    Introduction to power electronics
3.    Computer Architecture    [10]
•    Fundamentals of Computer Architecture & Organization
•    Number System
•    Boolean Algebra
•    Logic Gates
•    Combination and Sequential Logic
•    A/D and D/A Conversion
•    Memory
•    Instruction Set
•    Operating System and Application Program Concepts
•    Computer Applications
4.    Computer Networks    [5]
5.    Communication System    [4]
•    Analog and Digital Communication Theory and System
6.    Object Oriented Programming Language    [8]
•    Object oriented programming concepts
•    Introduction to C++
•    Operator Overloading
•    Encapsulation
•    Polymorphism
•    Inheritance
•    Templates and file handling
7.    Discrete Structure    [8]
•    Propositional logic and predicate logic
•    Methods of proof and formal reasoning
•    Binary relations
•    Finite state automata
•    Recurrence Relation
•    Graph theory and graph algorithms

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