TU IOE MSc Entrance Syllabus for Electrical Engineering (EE) Stream


February 09, 2023
Sr. Content Writer

EE is the entrance stream for the following programs:

  1. Power System Engineering
  2. Technology and Innovation Management
  3. Disaster Risk Management 
  4. Climate Change and Development
  5. Material Science and Engineering
  6. Electrical Engineering in Distributed Generation
  7. Applied Mathematics
  8. Power Electronics and Drives Engineering 

The M.Sc. Entrance examination will be “Computer Based Examination” of two hours duration, consisting of two sections. Section- A consists of 45 questions for 50 marks. While Section-B consists of stream specialized course with 50 questions of 1 mark each. Each question will be of objective type with multiple choice answers and negative marking for each wrong answer is 10%.

Section-A (view details here)


1.    Basic Electrical Circuits    [10]
•    Network Theorems: Thevenin's, Norton’s, Maximum power & Reciprocity Theorems
•    AC circuits: Concept of complex impedance phasor diagram, Active, Reactive & Apparent power, Resonance in AC circuits
•    Three phase circuits: Phase & line quantities in three phase system, 3-phase power
•    Transient response: Transient response analysis for R-L, R-C & R-L-C circuit. Pole zero plots
•    Two port Networks: Z-parameters, Y-parameters & ABCD –parameters

2.    Electrical Machines    [10]
•    Electromagnets: Magnetic circuits, Fleming's Right hand & Left-hand rules, Faraday’s Law of electromagnetic induction, electromechanical energy conversion principle
•    Transformers: Equivalent circuits, Phasor diagrams, Losses & efficiency, Voltage regulations, Instrument transformers, three phase transformer connections, parallel operation of 1-1 & 3-1 Transformers
•    Synchronous machine: Operating principle. Effect of Excitation, Power angle characteristics, Phasor diagrams, Losses & efficiency, Voltage regulations, parallel operation of alternator,
•    Induction machine Operating principle, T-S Characteristics, Losses and efficiency, Testing, Starting methods, Speed Control
•    DC generator: Construction, Operating principle and characteristics of different types dc generator 
•    DC motor: Operating principle, Characteristics of different types dc motor, Speed control and starter
3.    Power Systems    [20]
•    Transmission line: Line parameters, per unit system representation, single line diagrams, sort, medium & long lines, efficiency & regulations.
•    Transmission line design: selection of voltage, conductor, sag calculation, stringing chart, line insulators and string efficiency
•    Distribution system: Radial and loop distribution, Rural and Urban Distribution system
•    Economics of Generation: Load curve, Load duration curve, Diversity factor. Load factor, loss of load factor, tariff schemes,
•    Load flow: Bus classification, Y-bus formation G-S & N-R load flow methods
•    Stability studies: Swing equations, equal area criterion, Stability enhancement techniques
•    Series & shunt compensations
•    Fault calculations: Symmetrical & unsymmetrical faults in power systems, grounded & undergrounded systems, over Voltages in transmission lines, surge arrestors
•    Over voltage in transmission line: Temperature over voltage, switching over voltages and lightning overvoltage
•    Relays and circuit breakers: Instantaneous & IDMT relays, ABC, VCB & gas circuit Surge arresters brasses, differential & distance protection schemes
•    Power control: Load-frequency control, VAR-Volt control
•    Safety Engineering: Electric shocks, Equipment Earthing Mat earthing of power stations, measurement of earth resistivity and earth resistances
4.    Power Electronics    [10]
•    Power electronics devices: Diode, IGBT, BJT, MOSFET
•    Operational amplifier: Thyristors, GTO, TRAIC
•    Rectifiers: Single Phase & three phase rectifiers, uncontrolled and controlled rectifiers
•    Inverters: single phase & three phase invertors
•    Choppers: Step up and step-down choppers, chopper Classifications.

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