TU IOE MSc Entrance Syllabus for Civil & Agricultural Engineering (CA) Stream


February 09, 2023
Sr. Content Writer

CA is the entrance stream for the following programs

  1. Urban Planning
  2. Structural Engineering
  3. Water Resources Engineering
  4. Geo-Technical Engineering
  5. Transportation Engineering
  6. Technology and Innovation Management
  7. Disaster Risk Management 
  8. Environmental Engineering 
  9. Construction Management 
  10. Climate Change and Development
  11. Material Science and Engineering
  12. Energy for Sustainable Social Development
  13. Earthquake Engineering
  14. Infrastructure Engineering and Management 
  15. Energy Efficient Buildings
  16. Applied Mathematics
  17. Hydropower Engineering
  18. Land and water Engineering
  19. Rock and Tunnel Engineering
  20. Sanitation Engineering/Science

The M.Sc. Entrance examination will be “Computer Based Examination” of two hours duration, consisting of two sections. Section- A consists of 45 questions for 50 marks. While Section-B consists of stream specialized course with 50 questions of 1 mark each. Each question will be of objective type with multiple choice answers and negative marking for each wrong answer is 10%.

Section-A (view details here)


1.    Structural Engineering    [10]
Stresses and strains, Bending and deflection and its equations, Statically determinate structure: displacements by energy principles; static and kinematic indeterminacies; analysis of indeterminate structures; slope-deflection and moment-distribution methods; influence lines for determinate and indeterminate structures; trusses; two and three hinged arches; analysis of trusses and frames; concepts of plastic analysis of beams and frames.

2.    Geo-technical Engineering    [10]
Phase relationship, soil classification, clay mineralogy, soil compaction, permeability, principal of effective stress, seepage analysis, stress distribution, consolidation, shear strength of soil, stability of slopes, soil exploration, earth pressure theories, rigid and flexible retaining structures, bearing capacity and settlement of shallow foundations, analysis of deep foundation (pile, pier, well), foundation soil improvement.

3.    Water Resources Engineering    [10]
Physical properties of Fluid, Fluid pressure, Equilibrium stability of floating bodies, Fluid kinematics, Classification of fluid flow, Dynamics of flows, Euler's equation, Bernoulli's equation, Navier stokes equation Boundary layer theory, Momentum equation, Open channel flow, Uniform and Non uniform flow, Energy & momentum principle for open channel flow, Flow in mobile boundary channel, Flow over notches & weirs, Gradually varied flow, Hydraulic Jump and its analysis, Similitude and physical modeling, Physical hydrology, Surface runoff, Rainfall-runoff correlation, Hydrograph Analysis, Unit hydrographs, Peak flow estimation and statistical hydrology, Flood routing.

4.    Transportation Engineering    [10]
Road transportation in Nepalese context, Highway alignment, Geometric design, Highway drainage system, Highway materials, Traffic Studies, traffic control devices and measures, Road intersection and design, Road pavement, Construction and maintenance of road pavements, Bridge type, site selection, components and protection structures, Tunnel components, requirements and methods of tunneling.

5.    Water Supply & Sanitary Engineering    [10]

Introduction of Water Supply Engineering, Sources of water, Quantity of Water, WHO guidelines, Nepal Drinking water quality standards, Quality of Water, Intake Works, Water Treatments- natural, artificial, Sedimentation, Filtration, Disinfection, Reservoirs and Distribution System, Conveyance of water, Valves and Fittings. Introduction of sanitary engineering, Quantity of Waste Water, Characteristics and Examination of Sewage, Design and Construction of Sewers, Sewer Appurtenances, Sewage Disposal, sewage Treatment, Sludge Treatment and Disposal, Disposal of Sewage from Isolated Buildings, Solid Waste management, WASH and Ecosan.

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