TU IOE MSc Entrance Syllabus for Architecture and Planning (PA) Stream


February 09, 2023
Sr. Content Writer

PA is the entrance stream for the following M.Sc programs

  1. Urban Planning
  2. Technology and Innovation Management
  3. Disaster Risk Management
  4. Construction Management
  5. Climate Change and Development
  6. Material Science and Engineering
  7. Energy for Sustainable Social Development
  8. Energy Efficient Buildings 
  9. Architecture

The M.Sc. Entrance examination will be “Computer Based Examination” of two hours duration, consisting of two sections. Section- A consists of 45 questions for 50 marks. While Section-B consists of stream specialized course with 50 questions of 1 mark each. Each question will be of objective type with multiple choice answers and negative marking for each wrong answer is 10%.

Section-A (view details here)


1.    Architecture    [35]

1.1    History of Architecture    [5]

1.1.1    History of Nepalese Architecture
1.1.2    History of Easter Architecture
1.1.3    History of Western Architecture
1.1.4    History of Contemporary Architecture

1.2    Building Material and Technology    [5]
1.2.1    Building Material-Brick, Timber, Cement, Stone, Aluminum, Mud etc.
1.2.2    Building Technology - Load Bearing, Frame Structure, different wall, roof, floor, etc.
1.3    Building Science    [5]
1.3.1    Climatology
1.3.2    Thermal Aspects
1.3.3    Architectural Lighting
1.3.4    Architectural Acoustics

1.4    Green Building Design    [5]
1.4.1    Green Building Design Concept
1.4.2    Green Building Rating System–LEED, GRIHA, CASBEE, etc.
1.4.3    Passive and active Solar Architecture
1.4.4    Examples of Green Building and Planning

1.5    Architecture and conservation    [5]
1.5.1    Historical monument and building of Nepal and World
1.5.2    Architectural Conservation of Nepal

1.6    Contemporary Architecture of Nepal    [5]
1.6.1    Contemporary Architectural practices of Nepal
1.6.2    Problem and way out for future in Nepal

1.7    Building Services    [5]
1.7.1    Electrical Service – Artificial lighting system, Solar Lighting
1.7.2    Mechanical Service – HVAC, Lift, Escalator, Solar water heating, etc.
1.7.3    Water Supply and Sanitation

2.    Planning    [15]

2.1    History of Planning – Ancient Town and Settlement    [5]
2.2    Urban problems in towns of Nepal    [5]
2.3    Urban Environment and Urbanization in Nepal    [5]

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