
Tribhuvan University LLB Entrance Examination Questions 2077/78

May 16, 2024
Last updated May 17, 2024
Tribhuvan University LLB Entrance Examination Questions 2077/78

Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 40
Time: 3 Hours



Attempt any FIVE (5) Questions. The questions are of equal value.

1. What is constitution? Point out fundamental differences between federal and unitary constitution.

2. What do you mean by independence of judiciary? How does Nepalese constitution ensure the judicial independence in Nepal? Explain.

3. What are major functions of the President of Nepal under the Constitution of Nepal (2072)? Explain with the relevant examples.

4. Constitution is the fundamental law of the land. Critically examine the salient features of the Constitution of Nepal (2072).

5. What do you mean by rule of law? Examine pre-requisites of rule of law.

6. What is the federal system? Discuss the essential features of the federal system.



Attempt any FIVE (5) Questions. The questions are of equal value.

7. What do you mean by law? Explain various sources of law.

8. "Law is the Command of the Sovereign. Every law or rule is the command by the political superior to political inferiors." Do you agree with this statement?

9. Define Justice. Explain various types of justice.

10. What is right? How do you classify legal rights?

11. What do you mean by person? Explain the legal status of dead and unborn persons.

12. Analyse key differences between right and duties.

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