
Tribhuvan University LLB Entrance Examination Questions 2076/77

May 16, 2024
Last updated May 17, 2024
Tribhuvan University LLB Entrance Examination Questions 2076/77

Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 40
Time: 3 Hours


(10 × 5 =50)

Attempt any FIVE (5) Questions. The questions are of equal value

1. Discuss on main features of the Constitution of Nepal.

2. Point out fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution of Nepal (2072).

3. What do you mean by Constitution? How does the Constitution differ from other (general) laws?

4. Critically analyze the formation of Council of Ministers of Nepal as stated in the existing Constitution.

5. Define the separation of power and check and balance.

6. Define federalism. How it is differing from the unitary system?



Attempt any FIVE (5) Questions. The questions are of equal value.

7. What do you mean by Jurisprudence? What are the major schools of Jurisprudence?

8. What do you mean by property? What are the modes of acquisition of property?

9. Define ownership. Show the relationship and differences between ownership and possession.

10. "Rights and duties are two sides of the same coin", Discuss

11. Explain the differences between legal person and natural person.

12. Law is an important instrument of social change. Do you agree? Explain

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