NCA Premier League 2022 - One Day Futsal

August 24, 2022
NCA Premier League 2022 - One Day Futsal

On 14th August, 2022 NCA College of Management organized inter-section futsal competition, “NCA Premier League 2022”, with the slogan, “Futsal for Friendship”. Altogether 13 teams consisting of 8 boys and 5 girls team participated with total of 76 students taking part in the event. The event was successfully organized and hosted by students of Skills ‘A’ at National Sports Council, Chyasal and ‘Mr. Gaurav Pradhan’, prominent faculty of NCA coordinated the whole event, adding his experience and management skills in managing and coordinating the event with the help of Student coordinator, ‘Anish Basnet’ who did his best to coordinate with all students, organizers and management of NCA.

The players were very enthusiastic and joyous while attending the event. Altogether 13 games took place each lasting for 40 minutes. The boys having 8 teams had to go through knockout fixture to reach the semifinal and winners reaching the final. Similarly, girls having 5 teams, 3 reached semifinal directly while remaining 2 teams had to go through and extra match via a play offs. 

Teams of Skills ‘B’ and ‘KINGS MAN’ won the futsal competition from girls and boys respectively. While Knowledge ‘B’ and Skills ‘B’ had to satisfy themselves with the second position from girls and boys respectively.

NCA provided all the facilities required to run the event including snacks for all the visitors and players, first-aid kit, referees and other such things. The award distribution programme took place on the presence of ‘Mr. Suresh Pandit’, Chairman of NCA, ‘Mr. Karna Thapa’ and ‘Mr. Narayan Acharya’ both serving as director of NCA. 

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