
Model Questions for M.Sc Biodiversity and Environmental Management (BEM) program


February 25, 2023
Model Questions for M.Sc Biodiversity and Environmental Management (BEM) program
KMC Lalitpur

The Central Department of Botany published this model question. Students who want to enroll in M.Sc Biodiversity and Environmental Management (BEM) program must appear and pass the entrance examination conducted by the Institute of Science and Technology (IOST), Tribhuvan University.  

Note: Entrance questions cover BSc. courses of biological sciences.

  • Full Marks: 100
  • Pass Marks: 35
  • Time: 2 hours 


  • There are 100 questions in this paper. All questions carry equal mark.
  • Each question is followed by four alternative answers. Fill the circle for the correct choice in the answer sheet.
  • The candidate will not be allowed to leave the examination hall before 30 minutes of commencement of the examination.


1.    A biotic factor that affects the size of a population in a specific ecosystem is    
    a. Average temperature of the ecosystem    
    b. Type of soil in the ecosystem
    c. Number and kinds of predators in the ecosystem    
    d. Concentration of oxygen in the ecosystem
2.    Ozonosphere is a part of            
    a. Troposphere    
    b. Stratosphere    
     c. Exosphere    
      d. Thermosphere
3.    Which of these ecosystem services does not belong to the regulating service?    
    a. Carbon sequestration    
     b. Erosion control        
    c. Waste decomposition    
    d. Water supply        
4.    What is called the fall in average air temperature per 100 m rise in elevation in the mountatins?
    a. Lapse rate    
    b. Lipse rate    
    c. Leap year    
    d. Lap year
5.    The main cause of extinction of species from tropical region is    
    a. Afforestation    
    b. Deforestation    
    c. Pollution    
    d. Soil erosion

6.    Areas with high diversity of endemic species and high rate of habitat degradation are designated as

a. Biodiversity hotspots    
b. Protected forests    
c. Ramsar sites    
d. Protected areas

7.    Which of the following tree species is the main component of the broad-leaved evergreen forest in the Himalaya?

 a. Pinus roxburghii    
b. Cedrus deodara    
c. Alnus nepalensis    
d. Quercus spp.
8.    Greater One-horned Rhino (Rhinoceros unicornis) has been listed in global Red List of IUCN as
 a. Critically Endangered    
b. Endangered    
c. Vulnerable    
d. Near Threatened
9.    Where was the COP25 of the UNFCCC held?        
 a. Nagoya    
b. Poland    
c. Chile    
d. Peru
10. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in water depends on    
 a. Dissolved oxygen    
b. Dissolved organic matters    
 c. Microbial diversity    
d. Total dissolved solid     

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