Format of Application Letter to get NOC from Ministry of Education, Nepal

February 04, 2022
Last updated February 13, 2022

Schedule - 4
(Relating to Sub-rule (1) of Rule 27A)

27A: No objection letter is required

  1. A citizen of Nepal who wants to go abroad, for higher study, shall produce an application before the Ministry of Education in a format prescribed in schedule-4, for a no objection Letter with the fees as prescribed by Government of Nepal publishing notice in Nepalese Gazette.
  2. While making an inquiry into the application received pursuant to Sub-rule (1) and, if the content of the application is found appropriate, the Ministry of Education shall issue a no objection letter to the applicant in a prescribed format of schedule 5.
  3. While making an inquiry into the application received pursuant to the Sub-rule (1), if the application is not found appropriate, the Ministry shall inform the applicant accordingly along with the reasons. 

Ministry of Education,
Kesharmahal, Kathmandu.

Subject: Application requesting a no objection letter for higher study abroad.

I need no objection letter for higher study abroad from this Ministry. So I am submitting this application enclosing the fees and mentioning details as follows.

  • Name of the applicant: (In English Block Letter)
  • Address: (In English Block Letter)
  • Father's/Mother's Name: (English Block Letter)
  • Subject requested for Study: (In English Block Letter)
  • Level of study (language/training) (In English Block Letter)
  • Name of the Institution where to Study: (In English Block Letter)
  • Name of the Country to go for Study (In English Block Letter)
  • Name and address of Bank or Financial institution interested to get foreign exchange (In English Block Letter) 
In case applied by parents Applicant
Signature :–
Name and surename:–
Address :–
Date :– 
Signature :–
Name and surename:–
Address :–
Date :– 


Included Documents
1. Copy of citizenship Certificate
(It the name of an applicant is mentioned differently in the citizen certificate and educational certificates, one has to produce a document containing a reference he/she is the same person so certified from the District Administration Office)
2. Copy of transcription or certificate of one level below than to which he/she is going for a study level.
Note :
Separate forms shall be submitted inclosing the evidence of revenue paid for the same for each subject, level and institution. 
