To get admission to M.Sc in Construction Management program at Purbanchal University (constituent and affiliated colleges), the applicant should appear and pass the entrance examination. The entrance syllabus and the marks of each subjects is given in the table below.
The total duration of the entrance exam is 2 hours only.
Subject(s) | Marks |
Surveying | 10 |
Construction Technology and Material | 15 |
Project Engineering | 15 |
Construction Management | 15 |
Professional Practice | 10 |
Structures | 15 |
Estimating, Costing and Valuation | 10 |
Mathematics | 10 |
Total Marks | 100 |
Details of the contents:
i. Surveying:
Fundamentals of surveying; measurements (linear distance, vertical distance, and angle and directions); levelling (Principle of levelling, booking and computation of reduced level, differential levelling, fly levelling, profile levelling, reciprocal levelling, precise levelling, sources of errors in levelling); topographic survey (principles and applications); Traversing (Horizontal control and vertical control, computation for closed and linked traverse); Tacheometry (Stadia method, tangential method, sources of errors and precision); Contouring (Characteristics of contour, contour interval, interpolation of contours, use of contour maps); Simple circular curves, principles and applications of GPS/GIS.
ii. Construction Technology and Material:
Use of concrete in engineering structures, Ingredients of concrete (Cement, Aggregates, Water, Admixtures); Mix design of concrete; Quality control of concrete: Batching, mixing, handling, placing, compaction and curing. Different types of concrete and their properties: Ordinary concrete, Light weight concrete, Heavy weight concrete, Self-compacting concrete, Shotcrete; Strength of concrete: Tensile, Compressive, Shear and bond; Testing of concrete: Compressive strength test, tensile strength test, non-destructive tests; Durability of concrete: Effect of water and permeability, causes of concrete deterioration; Corrosion of reinforcement bars in concrete: reasons and prevention.
iii. Project Engineering.
Definition and characteristics of project, Classification of project, Project life cycle, Project management; Project appraisal, Project proposal writing, Project formulation (Feasibility analysis, Cost benefit analysis, Input analysis, Environmental analysis); Project planning and its importance, Project planning process, Work breakdown structure, Project scheduling with Bar chart, CPM and PERT; Project monitoring and control, Elements of project control (Quality, time and cost), Project control (Quality control, Schedule control and Cost control), Earned value analysis, Project management information system; Project risk and its types, Sources of project risk, Management of Project risk (Risk identification, Risk management planning, Qualitative and quantitative risk analysis, Risk response planning, Risk monitoring and control); Project finance, Capital structure planning, Capital budgeting techniques.
iv. Construction Management:
Scope of construction management, Construction project management, Construction project characteristics, Relation between client, consultant and contractor; Construction planning and scheduling, Steps and stages of construction planning, Time cost tradeoff; Construction material management, Planning construction materials, ABC classification of construction materials, Inventory planning process, Procurement of materials; Familiarization with construction equipment, Advantages and disadvantages of using equipment, Equipment for (Excavation, transporting and compaction, Aggregate production and handling, Concrete mixing, Cranes, Tunnel construction, Highway pavement construction, Hydraulic structure construction), Selection of appropriate equipment; Contract management (Method of work execution, Type of contract); Tendering process (Preparation before tendering, Tender notice, Tender document, Conditions of contract, Prequalification, Tender evaluation and award); Site management (Responsibility of site engineer, Supervising work of contractor, Record keeping, Site order book, Muster roll, Measurement book, Running bill and final bill, completion report); Project maintenance (Types of maintenance, estimating maintenance cost, Planning and scheduling of maintenance, Management of maintenance and financing); Personnel management (Principles of management, Centralization and decentralization, Leadership styles, Communication, Motivation, Personnel selection and training, Trade union); Health and safety at construction site (Accident at construction site, Causes of accident, Prevention of accident); Specification (Purpose of specification, Importance of specification, Types of specification, Specification writing; Valuation (Purpose and principles of valuation, Factors affecting value of property, Various methods of valuation of property, Depreciation).
v. Professional Practice:
Ethics and profession, Engineering ethics, Engineering council act, Code of conduct, Duties of an engineer and architect, Building code and bylaws, Nepal Labor law, Intellectual property right, Liability and negligence, Vicarious liability, Conflict and dispute management.
vi. Structures:
Center of gravity, centroid, and Moment of inertia; Axial force, shear force, bending moment and torsion, Shear force and bending moment diagram; relationship and diagram Interpretation (AF, SF, BM), Simple stress and strain, Hooke’s law, Stress and strain diagram; Bending stress, Deflection of simple beam; Differences between working stress method, ultimate load method and limit state method, Design of singly and doubly reinforced section, Design of (one way and two-way slabs, simply supported beam, continuous slab and beam, cantilever beam and slab, short columns), Design of (Spread footing, isolated footing, combined footings, and mat foundations).
vii. Estimating, Costing and Valuation:
Types and methods of estimate (Approximate estimate, detailed estimate, revised estimate, supplementary estimate, repair and maintenance estimate); Analysis of rates (Requirements of rate analysis, factors affecting rate analysis, preparing rate analysis for building works), Detailed estimate of (Two storied load bearing and frame structure building, earthwork in road construction); specifications (purpose, importance and types), Valuation of property (Land and buildings).
viii. Mathematics:
Basic Mathematics: Set and Functions, Two dimensional and three-dimensional co-ordinate geometry, probability, mean, median, mode, standard deviation, Algebra: Polynomials Complex numbers, Sequence and series, Permutation and combination, Equations and inequalities, Matrices and Determinants, Eigen values and Eigen vectors, Diagonalization of matrix; Geometry (angles, triangles, Pythagorean theorem, parallelogram, trapezoid, area, volume, surface area, quadrilateral, circle, graph, y-intercept); Calculus : Limits and Continuity, Ordinary and Partial Differentiation, Indefinite and definite Integration, Application of Derivatives and Anti-derivatives, Ordinary Differential Equations.