TUFoHSS Found To Have Rerun Same Questions From the Previous Year

June 09, 2022
Last updated June 10, 2022
Teaching Reinvented

It was discovered that the same question paper from previous year is being used in the first semester political science test at Tribhuvan University's Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. The question paper on "International Politics," which was administered on June 6, was a rerun of the previous year's question paper. The questions are the same, even though the order of the questions is reversed.

After repeated instances of neglect, the question papers for the Tribhuvan University test will be investigated.
After it was discovered in the question papers of two topics of the Faculty of Humanities and Sociology test, which is being conducted by TU, the investigative procedure has been taken forward.

Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Prof. Dr. Kusum Shakya, stated that the identical question paper has already been reported to the Central Examination Committee. "We've already requested that the examination committee look at the question papers," she explained.

Prof. Dr. Peshal Dahal, Registrar and Chairman of the Central Examination Committee, stated that the question papers would be investigated as requested by the Faculty. He explained, "I received a letter from the humanities faculty today asking an investigation."

In the examination on the subject of 60 integers, thirteen questions from 2020 and 2021 were found to be exactly the same.