
TU, establishing a Smart Board and free wifi to its Constituent Campuses

January 21, 2018
Last updated October 06, 2021

TU, The first University of Nepal is preparing for the installation of smart Board and Free WiFi  in it’s constituent campuses and also the  e-governance system at central  Office from the year 2018 A.D.

The university has issued one lakh  installation charge for each constituent campus and  has also  assigned 10 Crore Rupees for  IT development at Tu central Office, Faculty Departments and Tribhuvan University Campuses, Kirtipur

Technological use and Semester system were the utmost priority of Education Program and Budget of 2074/75 in a paper presented by TU Register, Dilli Ram Upreti on August ,2017. As a result, it has come to an effect.

Dr. Madhav Poudel ( Principal of patan multiple campus ) opines  "The technology has added a new favor to the real life experience of students and teachers as well.  Both the teacher and students will be equally facilitated by this program but the calculated budget for the constituent campuses should be increased .

The  program accelerated  after the MOU between Tribhuvan University and  Nepal Telecom  on 6th January 2017 A.D 

Source : Gorkhapatra

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