Tribhuvan University changes Examination and Evaluation of Semester System

January 26, 2018
Last updated May 10, 2024
A-Levels 2025

The meeting of the executive council of Tribhuvan University held on Mangsir 5 has changes the "bylaws of semester system" and revised the examination and evaluation system. This rule will be applicable from this academic year (2074/75), 2017 admission group onwards and is applicable for all the semester programs of Tribhuvan University (BBS, B.Sc CSIT, BHM, BBA, BBM, B.Sc CSIT, BIT, MBS, BCA, etc). 

Some of the Major changes are:

  1. The passing mark for the end-of-semester External Exam will be 50% (Grade Point 2.7). Therefore, students who achieve 50% or above (Grade Point 2.7) in individual papers will need to obtain a minimum Grade B or a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.0 (or 60%) to pass the semester examination.
  2. Make-up exams for students of the academic year 2074/075 (2017 intake group) and onwards will only be conducted within the semester cycle. However, make-up exams will be provided for students who fail in only two subjects in the 8th semester.
  3. Students who fail in the internal evaluation exam will not be considered eligible to participate in the final semester examination.
  4. Tribhuvan University has also started new Grade CGPA from the academic year 2074/75. Students enrolled in the academic year 2074/075 (2017 intake group) and in upcoming years will be graded according to the following CGPA scale.


Grade Point Average (GPA)

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

Marks Obtained in Percent





90% or Above


A -


3.70 - 3.99

80 to 89.9%

Very Good

B +


3.3 - 3.69

70 to 79.9%

First Division



3.0 - 3.29

60 to 69.9%

Second Division

B - 


2.70 - 2.99

50 to 59.9%

Pass in Individual Paper



Below 2.70

Below 50%


5. If a student scores more than 20% in the internal examination than the marks obtained in the final semester examination of the same subject, only up to a 20% increase will be considered valid for internal examination.

6. The minimum pass mark for internal and other practical examinations should be 60% (GPA 3.0).


New Regulation and CGPA, revised examination and evaluation system

For detail information read the official notice here:

The meeting of the executive council of Tribhuvan University held on Mangsir 5 has changes the "bylaws of semester system" and revised the examination and evaluation system. This rule will be applicable from this academic year (2074/75), 2017 admission group.
