Top engineering students bag Ncell's scholarship and excellence award


January 05, 2015
A-Levels 2025

Ncell has handed over “Ncell Scholarships and Excellence Awards” to 16 toppers of Institute of Engineering (IoE) on Monday.

The scholarship awards each carrying a purse of Rs 100,000 were distributed to the best students of Electronics, Electrical and Communication, and Computer faculties of Central Campus Pulchowk, IoE, to promote educational value in the engineering faculty. 

Similarly, four others graduating with the highest scores from these faculties were conferred with Ncell Excellence Awards.

Ncell´s Corporate Communications Director Sanju Koirala handed over the scholarships and awards to the topper students.

“As part of our corporate social responsibility, we wish to increase such awards every year,” Koirala stated at the program. She also informed that the company and the IoE are in five years agreement to continue the scholarships and excellence awards.

Scholarships were provided to 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students based on their annual scores. 

Twelve scholarships receivers included 3 toppers each from Electricals, Electronics and Computer faculties and one female topper among all female students from these three faculties. 

Ncell Excellence Awards, on the other hand, was given to the graduates passing out with top scores from each of these faculties and also to one female student graduating with top scores among all female students from these three faculties.

“The special category for female toppers aims to encourage female education,” said Koirala.

Speaking at the program, IoE Dean Triratna Bajracharya expressed that the scholarships would promote healthy competition among students and encourage them to do their best. Over 15,000 students compete for the admission in IoE´s entrance exam every year to study in Tribhuvan University´s constituent colleges, he added.
