Think twice before enrolling for 3 years BBA Program


April 05, 2014
Last updated June 18, 2024
A-Levels 2025

Ministry of Education Nepal, directed the colleges offering 3 years Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Program in Nepal with the affiliation of Indian Universities to make the program 4 years. 

All the Nepalese universities who are offering BBA program in Nepal, i.e. Kathmandu University, Tribhuvan University, Pokhara University and Purbanchal University are offering 4 years BBA

Program.  If failed to implement the direction of Ministry of Education, students reading in those colleges will be barred from getting the letter of equivalence of BBA program. 

This does not mean that those colleges have to close the 3 years program, but have to upgrade the program to 4 years, said the Ministry of Education officials. 

Ministry of Education has sent a official letters to eight colleges who are offering 3 years BBA program to upgrade their program to 4 years. Earlier Tribhuvan University used to give the equivalence of 3 years BBA program as BBS Program and is insisting that the 3 years BBA program is not equivalent with the 4 years BBA program of Tribhuvan University.  

Dean of Kathmandu University School of Management, Subas KC told that the students getting 3 years BBA program may not get admission in MBA program. 

This directive may affect around 24 colleges in Nepal which are offeirng 3 years BBA Program. We caution students to think twice before enrolling for 3 years BBA program as later it may create problem while getting letter of equivalence from Tribhuvan University.
