​Teachers Service Commission to issue Subject wise Teaching License

December 19, 2015
Last updated June 10, 2024

Teachers Service Commission is preparing to issue subject-wise teaching licence to aspiring teachers. Earlier, the TSC used to issue general teaching licence to all candidates who passed the license test. It also asked all candidates the same questions.

According to Tana Gautam, chairperson of TSC, they have already reached a theoretical understanding on issuing subject-wise teaching licence."We will forward the proposal to the education minister within a week."

He stated that it was not scientific to ask all candidates the same questions. "As we cannot expect candidates to have expertise in all fields, subject-wise tests will be conducted," he said.

TSC is going to issue teaching license for three subjects —English, Science and Mathematics in first phase. It said it would conduct separate tests for the aforementioned subjects as a majority of students fail in English, Science and Mathe¬matics.

Gautam said the main objective of subject-wise licence is to improve the quality of education. Since last year, TSC has increased the passing mark in license exam to 50. Earlier, candidates scoring 40 were also issued teaching licences. Similarly, TSC is also planning to introduce the provision of renewing teaching licences every five years.

He said renewal of teaching licence will not be mandatory in case of permanent teachers. According to TSC, more than 700,000 people have already acquired teaching licence.