Success story of a Community School


January 11, 2018
A-Levels 2025

The Community Secondary School of Kusma Muncipality, Parbat had seen the decline of students from 500 in 2063 B.S. to 144 coming to 2073 B.S. The school had obtained its secondary level permanent status in 2053 B.S.

However, the continuosly decreasing number of students had brougth the school to the verge of merging. Teaching staff, school administration as well as the parents of the students well worried by the worsening condition.

The parents and the teachers with their joint effort started planning for the free of cost tiffin program for the students and the teaching in English medium. Students and parents along with the teachers were able to collect a sum of 4 lakhs from the Deusi Bhailo program of Tihar. From this money they were able to provide the free tiffin  for the primary level students. The money raised form the Deusi program could provide the tiffin from Mangshir to Baisakh. This dramatically reduced the school leaving children to 0. However, teaching in English could be started only from the month of Baisakh.

Apart from these programs, some strict rules were implemented. One of these was the compulsion to admit the children of the school administrative staff to the same school. Some other rules such as the compulsory school uniform, mantenance of school diary and the regularity were made. This helped the school gain some more number of students.

The admission number which had declined to 144, among that the number of students attending school only being 100, raised to the current admission number of 176.

The school has also started kindergarden classes and there is 33% increment in the students’ number in primary level only. The day tiffin has helped a lot in this level of classes.

The school plans to bring some new rules and facilities to the school such as the electronic attendance and daily record of teachers and the students evaluation sheet. Similarly, tiffin program has been aimed to be provided to all level of students.

The muncipality and the parents committee have given their commitment to help school achieve its future projects for the development.


