Students of Political Science TU decreasing with the starting of semester system


December 26, 2017

One hundred fifty three (153) students got admitted to the Master’s level course of Political Science in the Tribhuvan University, Central Department in the academic year 2069/070. However the number drastically plummeted to only 22 in the years 070/071. Then the number of students has being halved in the consecutive years which led to only 10 students in the academic year 2072/073.

This dramatic reduction in the number of students has been attributed to the implementation of the semester system in the course.

According to a professor of the Central Department, TU has also allowed the students to give exams from the private institutions along with starting of the semester system. This has allowed students to be more inclined towards the private institutions. Specially, the students who work are unable to regularly attend the classes. This has led to the reduction of the students in the classes.

The lecturer also states that TU should facilitate the working students by providing a class module that they can fit in. Also, the equivalent degrees from private institutions/schools should  be removed for the students in TU to increase.

The current course of Political Science has been somewhat moduled as as per the change in political scenario of our country which makes it more relevant and necessary to be taught to the students.

(Source: Nagarik News)