Students of Education Faculty picket office of Teachers Service Comission


March 10, 2015
Last updated September 20, 2021
A-Levels 2025

The students under the Faculty of Education of different universities have been picketing the office of the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) at Sano Thimi, Bhaktapur . 

A group of students, who are also involved in the Joint Struggle Committee,  surrounded the TSC's office pressing for the fulfillment of their six-point demand, one among which is to immediately scrap the provision of considering any faculty's students eligible to obtain teacher's license. 

The Commission had been taking qualifying exam of any applicants with certain academic level regardless of their educational stream. But the Joint Struggle Committee is of the firm opinion that it should be exclusively be reserved for the students of the education stream. 

According to Bijaya Gautam, Coordinator of the Joint Struggle Committee, the students have also handed over a memorandum to the Administrative Chief of the Commission, Laxmiram Poudel. 

Coordinator Gautam shared that Committee will continue picketing the TSC's office until their six-point demands are heeded, among which are the earliest launch of vacancy for the teachers' positions lying vacant and timely release of the result of recently held exam for the license. 

The students, who have been picketing the TSC's office, have warned of stern agitation if their demands go unheeded. 

According to Subash Dhakal, member the Struggle Committee, there are around 400,000 students studying in the education stream in the universities throughout the country and some 600,000 newly graduates, who have also obtained teachers' license, and ready to enter into the job market. 

The current provision to allow license to any students is likely to pose a threat to these new grads of education faculty who are gearing up to take up teaching job, opined member Dhakal. 

Poudel, the Admin Chief at TSC, in reciprocation, said that they will forward the memo submitted today to the Education Ministry as TSC has no role in formulating education policies 

