SOAS University of London offering course in Nepali language


January 07, 2015
Last updated June 18, 2024
A-Levels 2025

SOAS University of London is the only university in the UK where it is possible to study Nepali as part of a BA degree.

The BA South Asian Studies offers a Nepali language pathway, which is designed to give students a high level of competence in speaking, understanding, reading and writing Nepali, and a good knowledge of its cultural context.  The degree assumes no previous knowledge of Nepali or its script, although a track record of successful language-learning is desirable.  Students with previous knowledge of Nepali can be accommodated in a more advanced course.  Students on the Nepali pathway will spend an entire academic year in Nepal, where they will be able to attend an intensive language course at an appointed partner institution.

A recent addition to SOAS’ courses relating to Nepal is the new MA Anthropological Research Methods and Nepali.

This is the only Masters-level programme offered anywhere in the world that provides students who intend to conduct anthropological research in Nepal with the necessary linguistic, methodological and disciplinary skills.

The course is designed to give students the ability to speak and understand Nepali to a suitable level for field research in Nepal; provide a background into the scholarly literature on Nepali history, society and culture; and achieve expertise in anthropological theory and practice that will provide a basis for research in a Nepali context.

Find out more about Nepali and other subjects available for study from the Department of the Languages and Cultures of South Asia.
