SLC result 2070: Private schools fared better than public School


January 07, 2015
Last updated June 18, 2024
Teaching Reinvented

In the SLC result 2070  institutional schools fared better than government schools. 93% students from Private/institutional schools have passed where as the pass percent of Community school is only 28%

Of the 95,456 students from 3,142 institutional schools who appeared in this year’s SLC exams, 93% have passed. On the other hand, of the 299,477 students from 6,045 community schools, only 28 per cent have cleared the exams. The percentage point of students passing the exams for community schools has remained the same compared to last year. Institutional schools, however, have done better by six percentage point compared to last year when 87 per cent students had passed the exams. 

The government investment in community schools is still lower than what the private sector invests in institutional schools, according to officials. Mahashram Sharma, Joint-Secretary at the Ministry of Education (MoE), said, “Private schools have been spending up to Rs 50,000 per student, while the government’s investment is Rs 13,000 per student.” He said there was a need to overhaul the education system.

“Community schools have not been able to improve their performance despite adopting various measures to improve the results by two digits . Therefore the government should increase its investment in these schools,” he added.

Earlier, MoE had introduced a 23-point directive for teachers, district education officers and regional education directorates to ensure learning outcomes by focusing on making the classes more interactive and child friendly.

According to the Office of the Controller of Examination Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. Most of the students fail in Mathematics followed by Science.

The number of failed students in different subjects is as shown in below

  1. English: 134,729,
  2. Maths: 172,211
  3. Science: 161,260 
  4. Social Studies: 101,294
  5.  Nepali: 57,055
  6. Health, Population and Environment Education: 30,153

A total of 120,627 students, who have failed in maximum two subjects, will sit for chance examination scheduled to held from August 5 to 12