SEE Result 2078 Published

July 27, 2022
Last updated August 23, 2023
SEE Result 2078 Published
A-Levels 2025

National Examination Board (NEB), Examination Controller Division has published the result of the Secondary Education Examination(SEE)-Grade 10 today. The result has been published after the 3 months of examination.

View your SEE Results 2078/2079 at Edusanjal:

NEB has published the result of a total of 514,967 students. Among them, 11,454 students were for grade improvement that had been halted over the past two years, and 14,564 students were towards technical streamlining.

The grading system has been modified this year. In previous years the grading system included grades from Grade A+ to E but this year unclassified or non-graded provision has been introduced in which scores of 90 or higher are considered excellent (Aplus), and scores of 80 or higher and below 90 are considered excellent (A), scores of 70 or higher and below 80 are considered excellent (Bplus), and scores of 60 or higher and below 70 are considered excellent (B). In terms of grades, 50 and above is satisfactory (Cplus), 40 and above is acceptable (C), 35 and above is basic (D), and below 35 is unclassified or non-graded. 

Students who appeared in the exam can check their results now from the following website:

SN Percentage (%) Grade Description Grade Point
1. 90 to 100 A+ Outstanding 4.0
2. 80 to below 90 A Excellent 3.6
3. 70 to below 80 B+ Very Good 3.2
4. 60 to below 70 B Good 2.8
5. 50 to below 60 C+ Satisfactory 2.4
6. 40 to below 50 C Acceptable 2.0
7. 35 and above  D Basic 1.6
8. Below 35 Non-graded Unclassified

Also see this: How to check SEE result 2078
