SEE Result 2078/2079

July 18, 2022
Last updated August 23, 2023
A-Levels 2025

Check your SEE Results 2078/2079 at:

The National Examination Board (NEB) has said that SEE Result 2078 is now in the final stage of publication. It has been expected that the SEE Result 2078 would be released after the second week of Shrawan, 2079. The NEB asserts that internal problems are to blame for the resulting delay and that they are removing barriers to disclosing results as soon as possible. Students will be notified right away after the publication of the result.

The Office of the Controller of Examination at Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, controls the examination and results distribution procedure. This organization, which works under the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology of the Government of Nepal, is responsible for annually holding the Secondary Education Examination at the national level.

How to check SEE Result 2078 through the website?

Students can check their result online once it is published, either at the National Examination Board official website or the Edusanjal website. 

NOTE: To see the SEE result 2078, students must fill and submit their Date of Birth and Exam Symbol Number.

How to check SEE Result 2078 offline?

  • Notice Board Service

Information regarding the examination results can be obtained from the Notice Board of the National Examination Board.

Notice published by National Examination Board 2079

How to check which grade you got?

Once the results are known, students can identify their grades. According to how well they achieve in each of their grade 10 subjects, students often receive grades. The assessment of SEE has used a letter grade system for the past six years but the grading system has been modified this year. In previous years the grading system included grades from Grade A+ to E but this year unclassified or non-graded provision has been introduced in which scores of 90 or higher are considered excellent (Aplus), and scores of 80 or higher and below 90 are considered excellent (A), scores of 70 or higher and below 80 are considered excellent (Bplus), and scores of 60 or higher and below 70 are considered excellent (B). In terms of grades, 50 and above is satisfactory (Cplus), 40 and above is acceptable (C), 35 and above is basic (D), and below 35 is unclassified or non-graded. 

SN Percentage (%) Grade Description Grade Point
1. 90 to 100 A+ Outstanding 4.0
2. 80 to below 90 A Excellent 3.6
3. 70 to below 80 B+ Very Good 3.2
4. 60 to below 70 B Good 2.8
5. 50 to below 60 C+ Satisfactory 2.4
6. 40 to below 50 C Acceptable 2.0
7. 35 and above  D Basic 1.6
8. Below 35 Non-graded Unclassified  