School Closure Following Student Fainting Incidents

February 22, 2024
School Closure Following Student Fainting Incidents
A-Levels 2025

After students began fainting one after another at a school in Kapilvastu, the school was closed for two days. Dinesh Chaudhary, the head of the education department at Shivraj Municipality-1, Shivaraj, informed about the closure.

The school was closed due to the occurrence of fainting, vomiting, and other health issues among the students. The principal of the school, Mukti Nath Pokhrel, attributed the closure to the students' health conditions. He explained that the decision was made to close the school to address the health concerns of the students.

According to Pokhrel, the closure was initiated after witnessing health issues among the students, such as fainting, vomiting, and other problems. The Principal clarified that the closure was done based on the advice of medical professionals, and it would last until further notice.

Shivaraj Municipality's Mayor, Ajay Thapa, stated that after identifying the problems in the school, counseling sessions were conducted with psychologists. He mentioned that some students recovered after rest and self-care. However, as similar issues reoccurred among other students, the school was closed again for an unspecified period.

This situation is not unique, as a similar issue occurred at Saraswati Foundation School some time ago. Medical professionals attributed the problem to "mass hysteria" among the students. The challenges the students face, labeled "mass hysteria," are often resolved when the affected individuals are separated, emphasizing the psychological nature of the issue.
