Sample Questions of Socio-economic Condition for Non-gazetted first class officer


April 05, 2014
Last updated December 14, 2023
Teaching Reinvented

This is the sample model question of socio-economic condition published by Public service commission (lok sewa aayog) for Non-gazetted first class officer (i.e. Subba)

Section A

1.       Mention importance of the water resources of Nepal briefly. (5)

2.       Write briefly the role of cooperatives in economic development of Nepal. (5)

3.       Discuss any five reasons of deforestation, briefly. (5)

4.       “Nature of vegetation varies according to climate”. Explain the statement with example of Nepal. (5)

5.       Write short notes: (2.5+2.5)

a.       Poverty

b.      Energy crisis

6.       What do you understand by foreign employment? Write causes why many Nepalese youths go on abroad for employment every year. Mention challenges faced by Nepalese during employment on abroad.  (1+4.5 +4.5)

Section B

7.       Discuss the democratic values and norms. (5)

8.       What is positive discrimination? Explain (5)

9.       Write short notes: (2.5x2=5)

a.       Rule of Law

b.      Civil Society

10.   What are sources of law? Explain in short (5)

11.   What do you understand by constitutional organ? Explain the composition and functions, duties and power of public service commission according to existing constitution of Nepal. (2+3+5)

Section C

12.   What is record management? Clarify its importance.

13.   Write short notes (2.5x2= 5)

a.       Management Information System (MIS)

b.      Budget

14.   What is tax? How many types of taxes are there? Clarify. (2+3)

15.   What is meant by civil service? Mention the features of civil service. (2+3)

16.   What is meant by public service delivery? Describe the roles of the service provider in public service delivery. (3+7)


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