Rector office, TU ceases approval for Ph.D. in other universities


January 02, 2018
A-Levels 2025

Tribhuvan University has ceased to approve for the admission in Ph.D. program for its lectureres in other unversities.

Lecturers from Science, Engineering, Agriculutre and technical field have been inclined to other universities for doctoral study despite of the availibility of Ph.D. programs in TU itself.

Therefore, TU has been preparing the procedures for prohibiting the admissions. According to the Rector, Prof. Dr. Sudha Tripathi, the step has been taken for the regulation in the quality of the Ph.D. studies. Apparently, lecturers have been taking admissions in the Universities which are not even able to run Master level programs.

previoulsy, the approval for the admission in Ph.D. programs to other universities was given by the Dean office.

Currently, the authority is in the hands of the Rector’s office.
