Pokhara University Encourages Schools/Colleges to Enrich Research Cell Activities

July 31, 2023
Last updated May 22, 2024
Pokhara University Encourages Schools/Colleges to Enrich Research Cell Activities
A-Levels 2025

Pokhara University, Kaski has released the news regarding submission of Research Management Cell (RMC) details and activity updates to the directors/principals of all schools and colleges of Pokhara University.

All the Higher Education Institutions (HEIS) belonging to Pokhara University (Constituent / Joint Constituent / Affiliated) are informed to submit Research Management Cell (RMC) details and activity updates of the respective RMC to Pokhara University Research Center (PURC). The report should include following information.

1. Institutional Highlights

  • Introduction of institution (200 words maximum)
  • Currently running academic programs
  • Number of students (a table comprising program and gender wise number of current with a trend of last 5 years).
  • A brief bio of the outstanding (best achiever) alumni (100 words max, one male, one female)
  • List of current teaching staff (a table including Name, Designation, Highest academic degree, Core subject (as appointment/academic degree), and Remarks)
  • Highlight on the high impact original research publication and researcher from the respective institution (first and corresponding author, (200 words max).

2. Research Management Cell Committee details (Name, Designation, Highest academic degree, Core subject (as appointment/academic degree), Email, and Phone number)

3. RMC activities in the Fiscal Year 2079/80

4. RMC activities planned for the Fiscal Year 2080/81

5. Contact details of RMC

Note: File must be in a word format, 20 Mb maximum in size, maximum six A4 size pages, 12 pt font, Times New Roman, 1x1 all margin, single spacing. Maximum Four good quality photographs/Figures of special events (with a complete description) can be included in the report but the overall size of the document must be within 20 Mb. The selected reports will be published in the PURC annual report.

The deadline to submit abovementioned information is August 17, 2023 (Shrawan 31, 2080 BS).

Please send all the information by responding the Google form.

If have any question, please feel free to write an email to <purc@pu.edu.np> or <research.pokhara@gmail.com> or make an inquiry at cell/viber/whatsapp +9779840250987 (Dr. Namraj Dhami) or visit PURC. Website: www.pu.edu.np 
