Prof.Dr. Subodh Sharma has been appointed as a Registrar of Kathmandu University.
About Education:
Prof. Dr. Sharma did his M.Sc from Tribhuvan University Kathmandu, Nepal on Zoology (Ecology). Grade obtained - First Class First with Distinction. He obtained his Doctoral degree titled Dr.nat.techn., University of Agriculture, Forestry and Renewable Natural Resources (BOKU), Vienna, Austria in the year 1996. He worked as a Post Doctoral Research Fellow under the North South Dialogue Fellowship scheme at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Hydrobiology, Vienna, Austria. He also served as prestigious Post Doctoral Senior Fulbright Research Scholar (2009-2010) at Towson University, Maryland, USA.
About Career:
He started his career as an assistant Lecturer at the Department of Zoology, Trichandra College, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu. Before this appointment he was serving as Professor of Environmental Science & Engineering, Kathmandu University. He also served as Head - Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Science, Kathmandu University.