Prime Minister Advocates Time-Bound Educational Reforms

April 05, 2024
Last updated April 14, 2024
Prime Minister Advocates Time-Bound Educational Reforms
A-Levels 2025

Prime Minister Pushpakamal Dahal 'Prachanda' has indicated the necessity of implementing time-bound curriculums based on new reforms. During the 14th meeting of the Mid-Western University, he emphasized the need for restructuring the curriculum, focusing on physical and human resource development. He praised the university's commitment to educational excellence, economic growth, curriculum restructuring, international relations, and guidance on curriculum development, policy, and programs.

The Prime Minister mentioned the need to improve the university's examination system according to educational qualifications, publish results within a specified timeframe, and ensure government support in policy implementation. He suggested prioritizing academic programs and curriculums based on changing global, national, regional, and local development policies and demands.

Aligning with principles of good governance and social justice, the Prime Minister highlighted socialist-oriented educational policies, strategies, and program development to inspire Nepali students to pursue higher education domestically, contributing to the nation's prosperity. 

He emphasized the need to focus on educational and vocational programs based on Nepal's geographical, social, and economic conditions, particularly in agriculture and forestry. The Prime Minister expressed confidence in implementing various programs and projects through modern and sustainable agricultural systems and integrating knowledge and technology.

Highlighting the contributions of Mid-Western University in a short time to scientific development, physical infrastructure, industrialization, and human development in Karnali Pradesh, despite its rich cultural and natural resources, the Prime Minister stressed the university's significant role.
